How to Build an APK File in Eclipse

How to build an APK file in Eclipse?

When you run the project on the emulator, the APK file is generated in the bin directory. Keep in mind that just building the project (and not running it) will not output the APK file into the bin directory.

How to only build and generate apk by using the Eclipse Android ADT?

try this..

right click on the project you want the apk for, then Android Tools will lead to the Exporting the apk file. You have to create a key one time and you can use it further in your apk generation.

Sample Image

How to Export an APK file using Eclipse?

Steps of generating an APK file using Eclipse -

  • Go to File > Export

Sample Image

  • From the Export window, go to Android > Export Android Application.

Sample Image

  • Click Browse... and select the Android Application project to Export.

Sample Image

  • Click Browse and select the debug.keystore. The default location for debug.key store on OSX is "/Users//.android/debug.keystore" and the password is "android". When you're ready to release your app to an application marketplace, you should use an existing keystore or create a new keystore.

Sample Image

  • Select the "androiddebugkey" alias and use "android" as the password.

Sample Image

  • Select a destination for the APK file and click Finish.

Sample Image

  • Now you are ready to upload and distribute the APK.

Source - Test flight

creating an apk via eclipse

Looks like either:

  1. Your project isn't opened yet

Right click on project name in Package Explorer > Open Project

  1. Your project may have been accidentally marked as a Library project (library projects cannot be exported as apk files)

Right click on project name in Package Explorer > Properties > Android > "Is Library" checkbox

  1. Your project may not have been imported into Eclipse yet. To do so,
    open package explorer and add your project into it:

To view package explorer:

Window > Show View > Package Exporer

To import new project:

New > Project... > Android Project from Existing Code > [Look for root
directory of the Android project, should be the root dir containing
the AndroidManifest.xml file] > Select project to import (if you
have the previous step correctly you should only see one) > Select
Copy projects into workspace (if you want to create a copy in your
workspace folder, otherwise ensure that your project files don't move
out of your existing directory) > Finish

  1. Your project may have been accidentally been configured as a Java project instead of an Android application project, if so see this SO question.

If that's not the reason why you are not seeing any projects, please let me know and provide more information (perhaps also a screenshot of your entire IDE with the Java perspective).

This is what the project properties panel should look like:

Resource, Android, Android Lint Preferences, Builders, Java Build Path, Java Code Style, Java Compiler, Java Editor, Javadoc Location, Project References, Refactoring History, Run/Debug Settings, Task Repository, Task Tags, Validation, WikiText

I can not create an apk on my eclipse

You have to install the sdk first. It's not included in eclipse.

How to setup eclipse for android app development

A personal recommendation:
Use Android Studio, you will have to get used to it but after 3 months I prefer it over eclipse. Also you should consider it since google stopped supporting Eclipse. android studio is the official android IDE

Run APK file in Eclipse

You ofcourse cannot open the .apk file in your eclipse IDE. You need to install it on emulator as like we install it on our devices.

Go to your Command Prompt, type

adb install Sudoku.apk and it will install it on your emulator. (Remember, load the adb to your path variables and change your directory location where you have already placed the Sudoku.apk)

eclipse is not generating apk file for any app developed in it?

If it is not generated itself, you have to right click on the project you want the apk for, then Android Tools will lead to the Exporting the apk file. You have to create a key one time and you can use it further in your apk generation.

Sample Image

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