How to Add a Button at The End of Recyclerview

How to add a button at the end of RecyclerView?

One way to do it would be to make your footer view a "ViewType" of your adapter.
In order to do that, overrides getItemViewType to return a different value for your last item.

public int getItemViewType(int position) {
return (position == mData.size()) ? VIEW_TYPE_FOOTER : VIEW_TYPE_CELL;

Then in the onCreateViewHolder, handle the different viewType.

public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {

if (viewType == VIEW_TYPE_CELL) {

//Create viewholder for your default cell
else {

//Create viewholder for your footer view

Don't forget to update the value return by getCount() by adding 1, and to distinguish the 2 types of ViewHolder in OnBindViewHolder (with instanceof for example).

How to add a button at the end of a recycler view (kotlin)?

You will achieve this by adding the RecyclerView in a parent NestedScrollView and then place the Button below the RecyclerView.

So your code should look like this

<androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView xmlns:android=""


android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


Add recyclerView.nestedScrollingEnabled = false for scroll to work for sdk 21

Add a button (or any element) after the last recyclerview element Android

You will have to override getItemViewType(int position) in your adapter.

public final int CONTENT_TYPE = 1;
public final int BUTTON_TYPE = 2;

Lets say your cursor count is 'x'. For positions 0 to (x-1), you will inflate the cardview with the cursor content. Hence, getItemViewType will return CONTENT_TYPE for positions 0 to (x-1). Next, for position 'x', return BUTTON_TYPE.

You will get hold of the view type in the onCreateXXX method of your adapter. Based on the view type, inflate the right xml (button or cursor content).

Be sure to return cursor count + 1 in the getItemCount() method. (+1 being for the button layout).

Is there a way to add a button or anything under a RecyclerView

Android recyclerview is used to display large amount of items on
screen, but with improved performance and other benefits. RecyclerView
in Android uses an adapter to represent the information we want to
show as list. The data to be displayed is sent to adapter, which handles the view.

Coming to your custom approach of adding a button. You can control the amount of data being sent to adapter at beginning. Considering you have a server that will send data when requested with a tweak to send data in set of row. Add a floating button which is displayed when user reaches end of recyclerview, this button requests further data from server and send a signal to adapter that your variable containing the data has been updated. So, this will add data to your view and you can scroll further until that data ends.

  • So you require to design your server for custom data range request.
  • Variable to keep track of current data range present.
  • Code to check end of RecyclerView data feed.
  • function to request more data on button click and signal adapter for update.

You can search endless scrolling using RecyclerView to get tutorial
related to this.

How to add a plus image as a button at the end of my RecyclerView in Android?

You need to switch on viewType in onBindViewHolder.

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: CustomAdapterExercise.ViewHolder, position: Int) {
if (holder.itemViewType == typeAdd) {
// Bind the add button
else {


You're using a ViewHolder the wrong way, one of the benefits of ViewHolders is not being forced to do findByView every time you update a View.

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