Google Play Console Said "You Can't Edit This App Until You Create a New App Release Declaring Sensitive Permissions" How to Fix It

release declaring sensitive permissions error when added new version that doesn't have sensitive permissions

In our case, we were thinking that we did not have "Read SMS/Call log" permissions in our app yet, and had the same error. But we were planning to include such features into our app, so we sumbitted the sensitive permissions declaration form previously via Google Forms link (before it was integrated into Play Console) and got a decline.

So our solution was:

1. Add READ_SMS permission to our apk and increase version code

2. Publish new apk in alpha channel and declare that the release did not comply with the new regulations (in the permission declaration form). After this the error went away.

3. Publish updated APK with this permission removed (which was our goal in the first place)

After step 2 the error went away, so we were able to release our planned apk to production.

It turned out we had an old apk with "Read SMS" permission in our alpha channel. So you can use these instructions to trigger declaration form, but you will still need to delete this apk later in order to comply new rules. This is what we did, after that error went away.

Permissions Declaration Form still showing in Google Play Console even with updated APK uploaded without READ_CALL_LOG


  • "No" option was removed since mid March (see details in comments), so the suggested solution doesn't work anymore.

Solution (does NOT work since mid March)

  • Upload app binary without sensitive permissions inside, i.e. remove their usage from the app.
  • Submit this version with "No" selected for Compliance Status at "Permissions Declaration Form". Note: at this stage you will see the warning "You must meet the permissions policy..."
  • For the next version all warnings will disappear as soon as app will be submitted. Hence, on the next app upload -- no warning and forms will be appread.

P.S. Unfortunately, there was no options found how to avoid the form at all without app version release.

Google Play Console preventing uploading or promoting new app versions compliant with sensitive permissions policy

Just had the same exact issue.

It seems there's no way to workaround it without accepting the inline Permission Declaration Form.

The way I fixed the issue is by:

  1. Click the Create Release in a target channel.
  2. Upload new APK having higher version with the SMS permissions removed.
  3. [IMPORTANT] Click on RETAIN on previous (the one that contains the SMS permissions) version - which will present the inline Permission Declaration Form.
  4. In Permission Declaration Form, under Compliance status (Does this release meet the SMS and Call Log permissions policy? If you choose no, you can submit the form without selecting any core functionalities.), select No, this release does not meet the SMS and Call Log permissions policy.
  5. Check all check-boxes under Declarations (By submitting this Permissions Declaration Form, I confirm that).
  6. Click the Save and then Review buttons.
  7. You will be navigated to Review and rollout screen, and Rollout button will be finally enabled.

In order to remove the retained version (from step 3 - the one that contains the SMS permissions), you can create another release (with an APK having higher version) - in which you'll be able to deactivate any previous versions.

I´m getting the following error from Play Console and I can´t edit the version or the Google play info

I solved it, what you must do first is to create a new version but instead of uploading a new apk or app bundle, you must load one of the library that has SMS or call permissions.

Version library google play

Then below you will see the form of declaration of services, you fill it according to your situation, and you go to review the version. How is a previous version will not allow you to launch.

You will notice that the warning has disappeared and now you can upload a new version, I recommend that you no longer have the SMS permissions and have made the relevant changes. You have until March 9 to remove them if it is not so Google Play can delete your Play Store application just like that.

Error updating app on Google play store after introducing new google policy

If you are unable to submit a new version in any of the tracks, promote an older version from an Internal Track to Alpha or from Alpha to Beta or from Beta to Production. While doing this a Permission Declarations Form will show up querying Call Log and SMS permissions used in your app.
Once you have submitted this form and promoted an older version, you will be able to submit new versions of the app in all the tracks.

React-native Android app keeps rejecting because of new policies by google play console: sensitive informations

Need to use Google SMS API instead of current react-native basic implementation.

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