Gcm 'Error:Not Registered'

GCM 'Error : Not Registered'

GCM response Not Registered means following "If it is NotRegistered, you should remove the registration ID from your server database because the application was uninstalled from the device or it does not have a broadcast receiver configured to receive com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE intents." from documentation. Check in what case you get this error, when app is uninstalled from the device or you describe incorrect broadcast receiver in AndroidManifest. You can test your GCM functionality with my test GCM server. Hope, this helps you.

GCM 'Not Registered' Error

Closing this post. The answer for anyone using this plugin who keeps getting an error like me. Try using this inside your app folder: cordova plugin rm phonegap-plugin-push and then reinstall it with your sender_id again

GCM IOS NotRegistered issue

So I solved the problem. It appeared that I was not using the right iOS Development Provisioning Profile. I was using a generic one, while I needed to use a specific one for my bundle name. The reason it happened was because I reinstalled my OS a week ago or so, so the other certificate was wiped out and didn't work until I downloaded and manually added it to Xcode. I also needed to delete the team provisioning profile from the device as well. Totally not GCM or APNs fault.

what does mean by error code notRegistered when sending push messages using GCM?

The Registration Id for the device which you are providing in the devicesList is not registered with the gcm.You first need to register your device with the gcm to obtain a valid RegistrationId.After getting this RegId You will pass it to server then,only your server can push the notification through GCM.

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