Failed to Load Module Descriptor Class: Didn't Find Class "Com.Google.Android.Gms.Dynamite.Descriptors.Com.Google.Firebase.Auth.Moduledescriptor"

Failed to load module descriptor class: Didn't find class

Alfonso from the Firebase team.

You can ignore the error E/DynamiteModule: Failed to load module descriptor class: Didn't find class "": unfortunately there is a bug in Play Services where this is logged as E/ rather than debug. We will deploy the fix on the next release.

This should not affect the behavior of your application, if you have an issue, look for the cause somewhere else.

E/DynamiteModule: Failed to load module descriptor class: Didn't find class

update to 9.0.2 it will resolve all the problems.

Also update Google Repository and Google Play Services, there is an update for them too.. n it will work like charm.

Android Firebase DynamiteModule: Failed to load module descriptor

Can you check your Google Play Services version?

From Firebase oficial website:


  • An Android device running Google Play services 9.0.0 or later
  • The Google Play services SDK from the Android SDK Manager
  • Android Studio 1.5 or higher
  • An Android Studio project and its package name.

Android Firebase API initialization failure

A simple solution is that use Fireabase Assistant to initialize the Firebase in your application

First remove all firebase dependency and apply plugin: '' from your app gradle ( in Android Studio 2.3.3) follow this step

Tools > Firebase
(On right tab) Assistant > Authentication

Something went wrong with Google Auth only on Android

I had the same problem in the Ionic Capacitor for android version...

Check if your SKD was automatically updated...

I don't know why it changed my SHA-1 run the command to get the SHA-1 and compare with the atual in your firebase (mine was different)

-> keytool -exportcert -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore\debug.keystore

go inside your firebase console ( include the new SHA-1 and download your new google-service.json, change the file in your project and try again - for me works fine

The IOS application works fine due to the firebase didnt need the sha-1, but only the package ID

I Checked again and found that I created a new key for my project, this changed the SHA-1, so I included the SHA-1 in firebase, both for debug and release, after this, google login returned to work

keytool -list -v -keystore C:\Users\biel7\.android\Release.jks -alias Release

using the command above, returns my release SHA-1, because in my case when i tried to create the release APK the google login stopped works

Android - Firebase authentication giving error

In app/build.gradle include these new dependencies:

    compile ''
compile ''

and check in SDK tools Google Play Service and Google Repository asking for update, if yes then Update to latest version

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