Error: Status{Statuscode=Developer_Error, Resolution=Null}

Error: Status{statusCode=DEVELOPER_ERROR, resolution=null}

You need to add your SHA1 key to firebase console configuration.
You can do it in this way:

Firebase console ( ) -> your project -> configuration -> scroll to

Sample Image

You can find your SHA1 key running "Signing report" from Android Studio:

Sample Image

Then, look the "run tab" and click the button:

Sample Image

I think it's the easier way. Hope this help.

Google sign in error Status{statusCode=DEVELOPER_ERROR, resolution=null}

Problem was SHA1 mismatch,

1] First Keystore File : I solved the error, problem was while building apk Android studio was taking default keystore file which was located inside C:\Users\<LOGGED_IN_USER_NAME>\.android\debug.keystore

2] Second Keystore File : Also I created one other keystore file which was located at different directory i.e. app/keystore/debug.keystore

While configuring the google developer console to integrate gmail login within app I gave sha-1 key generated through second keystore file above, the studio while building the apk file taking other keystore file hence sha-1 key mismatch was happening.

In order to take my keystore file located @ app/keystore/debug.keystore I configured gradle file at app level with following code :

signingConfigs {
debug {
storeFile file('keystore/debug.keystore')
keyAlias 'androiddebugkey'
keyPassword 'android'
storePassword 'android'
release {
storeFile file('release.keystore')
storePassword "mystorepassword"
keyAlias "mykeyalias"
keyPassword "mykeypassword"

Now the generated apk sha-1 signature matches with the sha-1 key configured on google developer console for your app.

One note : Always use debug.keystore for debugging the gmail integration (At the time of development).

Refs :

For gmail integration :

To see which sha-1 is getting used for your application see this stackoverflow thread :
SHA-1 fingerprint of keystore certificate

Google Sign In error Status{statusCode=DEVELOPER_ERROR, resolution=null} from same play store app not from same signed apk

I got this issue few days ago and i solved this by following the google guideliness

1.make sure the google JSON file your adding in App folder must be from the developer account.
2.Update all keys in the firebase account, release and debug key.

3.(important step): there is tab called "App signing" in Release management section in your google play console.

Google has released a new signing service in playstore publish console in which google will signin your app with his keystore. After signing , it will give you a new SHA1 key which you have to add in your firebase account.

after adding that SHA1 key to your Firebase account. try login, it works fine

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