Dex Error on Android Studio 3.0 Beta4

Unable to Merge Dex after upgrading to Android Studio 3.0

Caused by: Multiple dex files define Lcom/ogaclejapan/smarttablayout/utils/ViewPagerItems$Creator;

My guess is that you are not supposed to be using all three of these, but rather only one or two of them:

implementation 'com.ogaclejapan.smarttablayout:library:1.6.1@aar'
implementation 'com.ogaclejapan.smarttablayout:utils-v4:1.6.1@aar'
implementation 'com.ogaclejapan.smarttablayout:utils-v13:1.6.1@aar'

Android studio Unable to merge dex only on rebuild

Eventually i had to enable multidex although i had minimumVersion: 21

Maybe because when i created the project i had it set to 19 and i changed it to 21.

I haven't found why it worked all this time without multidex and now that i upgraded to Android studio 3 it requires it.

Cause: Multiple dex files define Lorg/apache/commons/io/IOCase in Studio 3.0

I agree with @CommonsWare that there is one another lib also contain commons-io in your project.

There is an option to fix this conflict issue in gradle dependency. Add below code in your app level build.gralde file.

configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.dependencySubstitution {
substitute module('org.apache.commons:commons-io:1.3.2') with module('commons-io:commons-io:1.3.2')

Reason is that why that 'org.apache.commons:commons-io:1.3.2' is conflict Check this stack overflow
question's answer.

To know more about apache commons collections and its different versions check this answer

Android studio 3.0 Beta4 can't rename a file and build error sometimes

This is a known issue, which, per the last comment:

Beta 4 doesn't include the fix. It will be in beta 5.

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