Error Loading the Sdk When Eclipse Starts

Error loading the SDK when Eclipse starts

I have faced the same parse sdk loading problem during eclipse startup like yours (Shown in image below)

SDK load error

The solution to above problem is to just delete(uninstall) the package Android Wear ARM EABI v7a system image available under Android 5.1.1 (API 22) if it's installed. (No need to uninstall whole 5.1.1 package). May be there is some eclipse bug with this package.

solution image

Finally restart eclipse to see your changes.

Edit: If the problem still exists, try removing other Android Wear
package also (i.e Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image) as
suggested by @Abhishek in comments below.

Android SDK Error when loading the SDK:

Deleting(uninstalling) the package Android Wear ARM EABI v7a system image available under Android 5.1.1 (API 22) resolves this problem.

For details see this link - Error Loading the sdk when eclipse is started

Error when loading sdk while opening eclipse

I was also having this question after I defined my own skin for an AVD according to this site I'v searched for this problem for quite a while without finding more workable answer than deleting the 'd:skin' line in the problem file "devices.xml"(This'll DISABLE your own skin defination for the AVD).

Every time I'm about to start my work, firstly I remove (if not, the AVD can't be started.) the postfix ".old" which is added to the "devices.xml" by Eclipse when it's started and finds the so-called error which you've seen, next, I start the AVD which uses the "devices.xml" containing my own skin defination, at last I start Eclipse. Though it still warns about this error, I just ignore it before finding out the final solution.

In my openion, if you don't want to do special defination for the skin of your AVD, you can just try the "deleting".

Eclipse: please check aapt is present at ..\sdk\build-tools\23.0.0_rc1\aapt.exe

@Josecash's answer worked like a charm. Here's the solution from that link in english.

It turns out that now the binaries in the build-tools / 23.0.0_rc1 / folder are in a subfolder called bin, so when eclipse will not find them in its new route, the fastest solution is to create a direct link to the binary the folder you are looking eclipse.

In linux:

$ cd / path / to / sdk /build-tools/23.0.0_rc1/
$ ln -s bin/aapt

In Windows:
Let the path to the SDK to build-tools \ 23.0.0_rc1 \ bin \ folder Once there click the right mouse button on AAPT -. create direct link, then copy the link to the upper build-tools \ 23.0 folder. 0_rc1 \ and change the name aapt.exe

Then just restart eclipse.

Eclipse Error: Could not find or load main class

In your classpath you're using an absolute path but you've moved the project onto a new machine with quite possibly a different file structure.

In your classpath you should therefore (and probably in general if you're gonna bundle JARS with your project), use relative pathing:

In your .classpath

<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/Users/Chris/Downloads/" sourcepath=""/><classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/Users/Chris/Downloads/" sourcepath=""/>


<classpathentry kind="lib" path=""/>

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