Error "File Google-Services.JSON Is Missing from Module Root Folder. the Google Services Plugin Cannot Function Without It"

Error File google-services.json is missing from module root folder. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it

You need to get the configuration file from the developer's site and paste it in the app level directory of your project.




  2. Select your project

  3. On the left menu, click on settings > project settings

  4. Add an app or download the google-services.json file under the Your Apps section.

Google Services Plugin cannot function without google-services.json

When you add apply plugin: '' inside your app-level build.gradle it parses configuration information from the google-services.json file.

You removed google-services.json file, that's why it is not able to parse
So remove the below line too from your app-level build.gradle who triggered parsing to make it work again.

apply plugin: ''

File google-services.json is missing from module root folder (but it is at the good place ! )

You also need to add these line of codes in Gradle files if you haven't already.
In Module:app_name gradle file, add

apply plugin: ''

on top of the file. And in dependencies of the same file, add

compile ''

Also, in Project:project_name gradle file, add

classpath ''

in dependencies

Also, try to upload a screenshot of the stack trace if this doesn't repair your problem

File google-services.json is missing from module root folder. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it

Add multiDexEnabled true in your project app gradle file and check,

defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true

File google-services.json is missing. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it. Searched Location:

Its because you are using firebase plugin in ionic, correct me if I'm wrong. I had this issue once i was implementing firebase push notification in ionic app. Simply what i did was Copied google-services.json to below paths

  • src/app
  • platforms/android
  • platforms/android/app
  • platforms/ios

Then i build my ionic app and it successfully build unsigned apk.

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