Could Not Find Com.Google.Android.Gms:Play-Services:3.1.59 3.2.25 4.0.30 4.1.32 4.2.40 4.2.42 4.3.23 4.4.52 5.0.77 5.0.89 5.2.08 6.1.11 6.1.71 6.5.87

Could not find 3.2.25 4.0.30 4.1.32 4.2.40 4.2.42 4.3.23 4.4.52 5.0.77 5.0.89 5.2.08 6.1.11 6.1.71 6.5.87

Check if you also installed the "Google Repository". If not, you also have to install the "Google Repository" in your SDK Manager.

Also be aware that there might be 2 SDK installations - one coming from AndroidStudio and one you might have installed. Better consolidate this to one installation - this is a common pitfall - that you have it installed in one installation but it fails when you build with the other installation.

Example of how to access SDK Manager for Google Repository

Could not find any version that matches[15.0.1,16.0.0)

Make sure you have google() repository in project-level build.gradle before any others:

allprojects {
repositories {

Could not find Required by Project React Native Maps

Before running the run-android run command, navigate to the android directory and enter ./gradlew clean command. After that enter the run-android command again.

Could not find

Open the Android Studio SDK manager, make sure all of your build tools are up to date. Then make sure your Google Play Services and Google Repository packages are up to date. In the Android Studio sdk manager, you'll find these under the "SDK Tools" tab. If you are using the standalone sdk manager, you would scroll down to the "Extras" section at the bottom and update them there.

How to fix google play service error

One of your dependency is having different version of


Firebase dependencies are having independent versions unlike past. If
you have version conflicts then you can update your and start defining independent


Go to top (project) level build.gradle and update to version 4.1.0 or newer if available.

buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath '' //< update this

Update Firebase dependencies to Latest Versions

Firebase dependency versions can be individual. So check Latest Versions.    //Analytics //Realtime Database

Orignal Solution (Useful)

Ways to resolve:

  1. Exclude from conflicted dependency.
  2. Update that dependency if available.
  3. Change your version as conflicted version.


how to see which dependency is using

1. Solution by command

For Android, use this line

 gradle app:dependencies

or if you have a gradle wrapper:

./gradlew app:dependencies

where app is your project module.

Additionally, if you want to check if something is compile vs. testCompile vs androidTestCompile dependency as well as what is pulling it in:

./gradlew :app:dependencyInsight --configuration compile --dependency <name>
./gradlew :app:dependencyInsight --configuration testCompile --dependency <name>
./gradlew :app:dependencyInsight --configuration androidTestCompile --dependency <name>

2 Use these plugins

Gradle View is an Android Studio plugin that you can install and show dependency hierarchy.
Methods Count is another plugin, it also shows dependency tree.

Flutter error : Could not resolve, Status code 502

All my codes were right, the only problem was the location package which I replaced with geolocator package. Now it's working fine.

Flutter exception Could not resolve

In an attempt to emulate the application one more time, before displaying the error on the terminal it showed me the following message: "Plugin project :location_web not found. Please update settings.gradle." and I found that in my project the error was caused by the location package, which has a dependency on location_web

That said, until they fix the problem, the solution is not to use the "location" package and replace it with one that doesn't have this location_web dependency. I did it using the "geolocator" package and in my case I needed it to get the geographic coordinates and call another function that returned the address data, looking like this:

On pubspec.yaml:

# location: ^3.0.0
geolocator: '6.2.1'

And I executed command:

flutter pub get

In AndroidManifest files, I added:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION"/>

For what I needed, which was to get the geographic coordinates, I did it as follows using "geolocator", replacing the previous code that used the "location" package:

import 'package:geolocator/geolocator.dart';

Future _obtemCoordenadas() async {
LocationPermission permissao;
Position _dadosLocalizacao;

await Geolocator.requestPermission();

permissao = await Geolocator.checkPermission();
if (permissao == LocationPermission.denied) {
permissao = await Geolocator.requestPermission();
if (permissao == LocationPermission.denied) {

if (permissao == LocationPermission.deniedForever) {

if (permissao == LocationPermission.always) {
_dadosLocalizacao = await Geolocator.getCurrentPosition();
var latitude = _dadosLocalizacao.latitude;
var longitude = _dadosLocalizacao.longitude;
localizacao.latitude = latitude.toString();
localizacao.longitude = longitude.toString();

Failed to resolve: in IntelliJ Idea with gradle

I just replaced version 11.2.0 with 11.0.0 and then it seemed to work fine, so that had to mean that 11.2.0 wasn't included with the latest Android SDK.

So, after struggling with all the available scattered documentation, I reached this document by pure chance (I guess it is not indexed high enough by Google):

I quote from there:

Highlights from the Google Play services 11.2 release. Google Play
services dependencies are now available via

Now, even when that shouldn't necessarily mean that they are not available with the downloaded SDK anymore, it seems that this is actually the case.

Anyway, adding google() to my build.gradle didn't work (not found, undefined, or whatever...), so I used a different approach that I found in this document referenced from the previous one:

I modified my build.gradle file adding that line to allprojects/repositories, as in:

allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url ""}

And then also in the android section in the same build.gradle file:

project(":android") {
dependencies {
compile ''

Those two lines were enough to make Gradle sync without problems. I didn't need to add any plugins apart from the ones that are already added in my libGDX project by default.

After that, I got a few different errors, but none about Gradle or dependencies. In a brief, JFTR:

First, I had a minSdkVersion of 8. Solved by raising it to 14. I think I could live without supporting all those devices below 14.

Second, I had problems with the dex upper limit of references. I've never faced this problem before, but maybe you've already noticed the solution I used: instead of compiling the whole '' I used only '' that's the API I'm actually interested right now. For those other particular cases where a solution like this may not be useful, this document could provide some better insight:

Third, even after that I got this "jumbo" thing problem described and answered here:

And that's it. As of now, everything builds and my game does finally shows those Admob banners.

I've spent hours with this, thought, which makes me wonder if all these building automation systems we are using lately are worth the extra load they add.

I mean, the first time I had to add Admob to an app five years ago or so, I just had to download a .jar file and put it on a directory on my project. It was pretty obvious and the whole process, from googling "how to setup Admob in my android project" to have my app showing an Admob banner took me just a few minutes. I'm gonna leave it here, since this is not the place for such kind of debate.

Nonetheless, I hope my own experience is useful for someone else further.

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