Can't Click on Listview Row with Imagebutton

Can't click on ListView row with imagebutton



doesn't work for ImageButton.

I finally found the solution here. In your layout xml for those items, add


to the root view.

It works perfectly for a ListView that has ImageButtons. According to official reference, blocksDescendants means that the ViewGroup will block its descendants from receiving focus.

ImageButton within row of ListView android not working

You need to create a custom adapter which accepts a list of objects that you can use to build your list.

You need to create a class which holds the information needed in your list. From what you've said something like this:

public class RowItem {

private String _columnName;
private Drawable _drawable;

public RowItem(String columnName, Drawable drawable) {
_columnName = columnName;
_drawable = drawable;

public String getColumnName() {
return _columnName;

public Drawable getDrawable() {
return _drawable;

Then create these objects from the items you want in your list

ArrayList<RowItem> rowItems = new ArrayList<>();

//Create a number of row items and add them to your list
RowItem myItem1 = new RowItem("String I want for column name", myDrawable);

After creating your list of RowItem objects you create your custom adapter like this:

CustomListViewAdapter customAdapter = new CustomListViewAdapter(this, R.layout.todo_row, rowItems);

Then you can pass your list of RowItem objects into your custom adapter via it's contructor (like you were trying to do previously):

public class CustomListViewAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<RowItem> {

Context context;
ArrayList<RowItem> _rowItems;

public CustomListViewAdapter(Context context, int resourceId,
ArrayList<RowItem> rowItems) {
super(context, resourceId);
this.context = context;
_rowItems = rowItems;
System.out.println("I am in the custom Adapter class "+ context);

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent){
System.out.println("This is the get view");
View row = convertView;
RowItem item = _rowItems.get(position);

// you can now get your string and drawable from the item
// which you can use however you want in your list
String columnName = rowItem.getColumnName();
Drawable drawable = rowItem.getDrawable();
if (row == null) {
LayoutInflater mInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
row = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.todo_row, parent, false);


ImageButton chkDone = (ImageButton) row.findViewById(;
chkDone.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
View parentRow = (View) v.getParent();
ListView listView = (ListView) parentRow.getParent();
final int position = listView.getPositionForView(parentRow);
System.out.println("I am in position "+ position);

return row;

Listview with ImageButton, want to call Listview Click in ImageButton click Listener

no idea if this is really a good practice, but it works like this:

imageButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View view)
ExpandableListView myList = (ExpandableListView) parent.findViewById(;// get reference to the ExpandableListView
myList.performItemClick(view, myList.getPositionForView(view), getGroupId(groupPosition));

ImageButton click event works, but ListView click event does not

ImageButton takes focus when you click on list item

Add the below


to the root element in custome.xml

Android custom ListView with ImageButton is not getting focus

I have to get focus on all clickable items so that user knows where the focus is. But the problem is I can get focus on list row if I add

View getting hang up due to multiple views inside row file, to get click You have to add one more property to your main layout of row xml.


But when I write above property then I'm not able to focus ImageButton which is in my row file.

I just tried one way to acheive to get foucus on ImageButton as well as on listview.

To get focus on ImageButton:

  1. Create one selector file.
  2. Applied on Imagebutton.
  3. Added android:focusableInTouchMode="true" to ImageButton.

To get focus on Listview:

  1. Add android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants to main-layout within row xml.

Now when you click on your ImageButton it will focus with your desire color even it will focus on listview click too.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
/> <!-- pressed -->
/> <!-- focused -->
/> <!-- default -->

Tested in S3 emulator, works well.

ImageButton within an Android ListView causes problems



hope it helps

Android onClick for ImageButton inside ListView and get position

You are using setTag() but never doing anything with it. Change

final int position = getView(position, view, parent).get(position);


final int position = (Integer)view.getTag();

right now it is probably giving you the position of the last item that was iterated through getView().


Your Toast needs a String so you will need to change it to

Toast.makeText(getContext(), "" + position, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

or convert it into a String before.

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