Can't Find Theme.Appcompat.Light For New Android Actionbar Support

Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support

You need to do next:

  1. File->Import (android-sdk\extras\android\support\v7). Choose "AppCompat"
  2. Project-> properties->Android. In the section library "Add" and choose "AppCompat"
  3. That is all!

Note: if you are using "android:showAsAction" in menu item, you need to change prefix android as in the example

No resource found - Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar

AppCompat is a library project. You need to reference the library project in your android project.

Check the topic Adding libraries with resources.


Adding material theme should be the way. Check for more details.

Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support

You need to do next:

  1. File->Import (android-sdk\extras\android\support\v7). Choose "AppCompat"
  2. Project-> properties->Android. In the section library "Add" and choose "AppCompat"
  3. That is all!

Note: if you are using "android:showAsAction" in menu item, you need to change prefix android as in the example

Android - Action Bar doesn't show up using Theme.AppCompat

My answer should be as a comment but this is the only way I can reply.
Are you extending ActionBarActivity in your activity?
Have you tried the show() method in your activity?

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