Can Android's Webview Automatically Resize Huge Images

Can Android's WebView automatically resize huge images?

Yes, it's possible. You can try setting the WebView Layout using the code below. It resizes all Images (Greater than the Device Screen Width) to the Screen Width. This works for both Orientations (Portrait and Landscape)


You can add extra margins/padding later to get the spacing right.

Android Webview: Images that are too large for the screen

I ended up using:


To make the contents of the page fit to the WebView.

resize image in webview in Android

To fit the image to the screen width, just comment

max-height: 100%;

To fit the image to the screen height, just comment

max-width: 100%;

That's all, there's no need to touch the android java code, just add the code above to your html document.

How to fit web images to Android screen size inside a WebView? while getting content of a site using JSON data, using restful

I have finally solved it by setting the style tag with the web content.

webViewLoader.setLoadDataWithBaseUrl("<style>img{display: inline;height: auto;max-width: 100%</style>"+ParentObject.getJSONObject("content").getString("rendered"));

If someone wants to add any more style just add <style></style> after or before <style>img{display: inline;height: auto;max-width: 100%</style>

Android - Webview scale image to fit biggest dimension

Try #5 Worked!!!

        int iMW = imgView.getMeasuredWidth();
int iMH = imgView.getMeasuredHeight();
//Had the imw and iw backward...same for height
int scW = (int) ((iMW / (float)iW) * 100);
int scH = (int) ((iMH / (float)iH) * 100);
int fScale = 0;
if (iMW < iW && iMH < iH)
if (scW < scH)
fScale = scW;
fScale = scH;
if (iMW < iW && iMH > iH)
fScale = scW;
if (iMW > iW && iMH < iH)
fScale = scH;
//had signs backwards...DUH
if (iMW > iW && iMH > iH)
if (scW < scH)
fScale = scW;
fScale = scH;

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