Android Support Library Setup with Maven

Android support library setup with maven

unfortunately those libraries are not in the central maven repository. so you have to use the maven-android-sdk-deployer (link) to install the libraries into your maven repository. then add the needed libraries to your pom.xml file as described in the readme.

Gradle and Android support library

We will provide artifact versions of the support libraries. Stay tuned.

Edit: The artifacts are now available. You have to download "Android Support Repository" in your SDK. The gradle build system will automatically use this as a local Maven repository.

There are 3 artifacts in it right now:

Android Support Library v7 + Maven + Eclipse: apklib dependency not found in workspace

First, there is no apklib for It only ships as an aar.

Second, that library is not available in maven-central, it ships with the Android SDK.
You need to manually deploy it to your local maven repository.

Though you can use maven-sdk-deployer to construct and deploy the apk to your local folder. But you github project is failing due to missing internal dependencies., com.msplearning:android-support-v7-appcompat:jar:19.1.0

How can i get the android support library version greater than 47

According to the Support Library Setup page:

The support libraries are now available through Google's Maven repository. We no longer support downloading the libraries through the SDK Manager, and that functionality will be removed soon..

Instead, you just simply include them by adding the google() Maven repo. Put this in your top-level build.gradle's repositories section:

allprojects {
repositories {

Then you can just implement the support libraries in your app-level build.gradle.

What's the correct way of exposing a support library dependency in an Android library using android-gradle 3?

Is there any way to avoid this by configuring the library different,
or should this be the result?

Unfortunately, this the expected result. The reason of this issue is that JVM doesn't allow to have more than once class with the same package and name.

Am I wrong in assuming that different versions of the appcompat lib
should be allowed in the library and in the consuming app?

As I said, this is a JVM restriction.

Should I instead publish multiple binaries, each compiled against a
different version of the support library to satisfy any given consumer

This is the only solution that you have, even do it's very painful.

Cannot install Support repository and sync project in Android Studio

Try using the latest support library versions:

compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
// Third party libraries
compile 'com.flurgle:camerakit:0.9.17'

compile ''
compile ''

here is the detail Dependencies


Use Google Maven Repository

To add them to your build, you need to first include Google's Maven repository in your top-level build.gradle file:

Project -- build.gradle (Not app build.gradle)

 allprojects {
repositories {
// If you're using a version of Gradle lower than 4.1, you must instead use:
maven {
url ''
// An alternative URL is ''


I cannot use Android support libraries or Play Services via Gradle in one of my projects

Check you Android sdk folder.

You should find this folder under this:


If this folder doesn't exist:

  • update the SDK Manager and update the Android Repository (the last block).

Also I suggest you using the last releases:

compile ''
compile ''

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