Android Oncreate or Onstartcommand for Starting Service

Android onCreate or onStartCommand for starting service

onCreate() is called when the Service object is instantiated (ie: when the service is created). You should do things in this method that you need to do only once (ie: initialize some variables, etc.). onCreate() will only ever be called once per instantiated object.

You only need to implement onCreate() if you actually want/need to initialize something only once.

onStartCommand() is called every time a client starts the service using startService(Intent intent). This means that onStartCommand() can get called multiple times. You should do the things in this method that are needed each time a client requests something from your service. This depends a lot on what your service does and how it communicates with the clients (and vice-versa).

If you don't implement onStartCommand() then you won't be able to get any information from the Intent that the client passes to onStartCommand() and your service might not be able to do any useful work.

When calling service, onCreate is run but not onStartCommand()

onStartCommand takes an Intent and two integer parameters.

Try replacing your method with:

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
Log.d(TAG, "onStartCommand first line");


Log.d(TAG, "onStartCommand: ");

//This service is running in the background all the time. Therefore, return sticky.

As a general rule, if you think you're overriding or implementing a method, always annotate it with @Override. That will make the compiler error if you miss a parameter, get the name wrong, etc.

What can I expect when onCreate() calls startService()

You are correct in that a Service will call onCreate and onStartCommand if it is started via Context.startService. So in this sense, when you return START_STICKY, the Service will continually run until an explicit call to stopService() is called. It will also be destroyed and restarted during this lifecycle.

Another way to create a Service, is by binding to it. As per the docs:

Clients can also use Context.bindService() to obtain a persistent connection to a service. This likewise creates the service if it is not already running (calling onCreate() while doing so), but does not call onStartCommand().

So, it's possible for a Service to be created by simply binding to it. However, the lifecycle of a Service indicates that it will remain if it is started or a client is still bound to it. Meaning, that if it was created by a bind command, it will immediately be destroyed as soon as the client unbinds.

So, if a Service starts itself in the onCreate(), it will ensure that it puts itself in the started state regardless of whether it was created by binding or by an explicit call to startService. Since there's no actionable intent, the onStartCommand will just pass straight through. An clients that call startSevice will, presumably, have actionable Intents in which case the Service will perform its duties.

Android Service onstart() getting called only after onCreate() of the calling activity ends

Does this will invoke service in new thread?

In Java, objects do not run on threads. Methods run on threads.

I can see onStartCommand of the service is invoked only after the onCreate() of the activity exits.

Correct. startService() merely queues a request to start the service. Android cannot do that until you return control of the main application thread to the framework. So long as onCreate() is running, you are tying up the main application thread. You need to make sure that each callback (e.g., onCreate()) is very, very fast, ideally well under 1 millisecond in duration.

If yes how to start a service parallely, i.e. oncreate can continue to exit in parallel with the onStartCommand of the service.

That is not possible, sorry.

If android restarts a Service is onCreate called again?

See here, the dev guide.

onCreate() is only called when the process starts, which can either be the first time the service is running, or if it was killed on restarted, essentially this is called whenever it starts.

onStartCommand() is called whenever a client calls startService().

When a service is destroyed / completely stopped, Android is supposed to call onDestroy() on that service. I think it's possible for that to not happen (e.g. process is killed not through Android system). In the case of a bound service, this is when there are not more active client binders.

Edit: onCreate() Service starts; onStartCommand()someone uses service; onDestroy()Service is killed / stopped.

Android repeated Service - onCreate called once, onStartCommand called many

your service running many time because of start_sticky

if your service is killed by Android due to low memory, and Android clears some memory, then...

STICKY: ...Android will restart your service, because that particular flag is set.

NOT_STICKY: ...Android will not care about starting again, because the flag tells Android it shouldn't bother.

REDELIVER_INTENT: ...Android will restart the service AND redeliver the same intent to onStartCommand() of the service, because, again, of the flag.

suggest to your start_not_sticky

onCreate doesn't run in a service

Change your Service class to this:

public class ProximityBeacon extends Service
private static final String TAG = "TAG";
private String server;
private String ID;

public ProximityBeacon() {

public ProximityBeacon(String server)
//TODO indirizzo del server

public void startBeaconDetecting(String ID, Intent intent, Context context)

public void stopBeaconDetecting()

public void onCreate()
Log.i(TAG, "ProximityBeacon Oncreate");

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flag, int startId)
Log.i(TAG, "ProximityBeaconon StartCommand");
return Service.START_STICKY;

public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return null;


and then call it using this:

new ProximityBeacon("").startBeaconDetecting("" ,new Intent(HomeActivity.this, ProximityBeacon.class) ,mContext) ;

then add it in manifest.xml like this :

<service android:name=".services.ProximityBeacon" />

Output : 19:25:11.873 23002-23002/com.sample.service I/TAG: ProximityBeaconon StartCommand

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