Adb Install Fails with Install_Failed_Test_Only


Looks like you need to modify your AndroidManifest.xml
Change android:testOnly="true" to android:testOnly="false" or remove this attribute.

If you want to keep the attribute android:testOnly as true you can use pm install command with -t option, but you may need to push the apk to device first.

$ adb push bin/hello.apk /tmp/
5210 KB/s (825660 bytes in 0.154s)

$ adb shell pm install /tmp/hello.apk
pkg: /tmp/hello.apk

$ adb shell pm install -t /tmp/hello.apk
pkg: /tmp/hello.apk

I was able to reproduce the same issue and the above solved it.

If your APK is outside the device (on your desktop), then below command would do it:

$ adb install -t hello.apk

getting Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY: installPackageLI] in Android studio 3.0

If you really want to be able to remove the test flag from the APK generated in Android Studio, you could try adding the following to your file:

android.injected.testOnly = false

Failed to install APK with INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY

Goto Build -> Build APK(s) and locate your APK file in your project->app->build->outputs->apk->debug->app-debug.apk. It will work for every android device


Looks like you need to modify your AndroidManifest.xml
Change android:testOnly="true" to android:testOnly="false" or remove this attribute.

If you want to keep the attribute android:testOnly as true you can use pm install command with -t option, but you may need to push the apk to device first.

$ adb push bin/hello.apk /tmp/
5210 KB/s (825660 bytes in 0.154s)

$ adb shell pm install /tmp/hello.apk
pkg: /tmp/hello.apk

$ adb shell pm install -t /tmp/hello.apk
pkg: /tmp/hello.apk

I was able to reproduce the same issue and the above solved it.

If your APK is outside the device (on your desktop), then below command would do it:

$ adb install -t hello.apk

INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY in Android studio 2.4 preview 7

If you analyze your apk file you'll see the problem easily - namely that when building the project with the mentioned Android Studio version, the Gradle plugin is automatically injecting an android:testOnly=true to the final AndroidManifest.xml file of the output apk.

You can read more about this property and what it's used for HERE.

To workaround this problem - you can still install the app using this command:

adb install -t debug.apk

If you want to build a signed release version of your app (e.g. for publishing the Play Store), you can always do so via Build -> Generate Signed APK. The result is an apk without the mentioned property and can be installed on any device.

If you want a bit of context why this property is injected, perhaps check THIS and THIS issues on the AOSP bug tracker.

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