Android - Launcher Icon Size

App launcher icon sizes while publishing your application

HDPI   :-   72x72
MDPI :- 48x48
XHDPI :- 96x96
XXHDPI :- 144x144
XXXHDPI :- 196x196

Please refere document :

What's the right size for an Image Asset?

"512 x 512 pixel image [is] appropriate for the Google Play store"

To start Image Asset Studio, follow these steps:

  1. In the Project window, select the Android view.
  2. Right-click the res folder and select New > Image Asset.

Sample Image

  1. Continue by following the steps to:

    • If your app supports Android 8.0, create adaptive and legacy launcher icons.
    • If your app supports versions no higher than Android 7.1, create a legacy launcher icon only.
    • Create an action bar or tab icon.
    • Create a notification icon.

for more detail

App Icon on Device is too small

Try to use this. Its very useful, fast and free. And thats what I use.
If your icon already has a shape, remember to set the shape to none. Hope it helps!

If you are getting the same results, I also recommend this website, where I usually get "bigger" icons.

what is the best size to use for an Android application icon

Have a look here and then here.

72 x 72px is correct for HDPI, with the actual content within being 60px by 60px. You'd want to support other densities though to avoid upsetting people with other devices.

ic_launcher Icon size in Android Studio

File -> New -> Image Asset

Select Launcher icons as asset type

choose high res image

and dont forget to tick the box that says "Trim surrounding blank space"

credits : this question

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