Android Google Places API, Getautocompletepredictions Returns Status 'Places_Api_Access_Not_Configured'

Android Google Places API, getAutocompletePredictions returns status 'PLACES_API_ACCESS_NOT_CONFIGURED'

Enable the Google Places API for Android in developers console and check on the credentials page that your key is still present


Many friends suggested me to post how I have implemented this(AutoComplete) on my Project .So I am suggested you to see this migration guide and implement on your project step by step.

Migration Guide:-

GO to this link to create API Key:

Follows this steps to implement AutoComplete in your project :-

There is two way to implement to AutoComplete .

  1. Using Intent
  2. Using AutocompleteFragment

    In both case follow these steps:-

     1. Add this line in build.gradle file

    dependencies {
    implementation ''

    2. Add other dependencies (This is optional) .

    dependencies {
    implementation ''

    implementation ''

    3. // Add an import statement for the client library.


    // Initialize Places.

    Places.initialize(getApplicationContext(), apiKey);

    // Create a new Places client instance.

    PlacesClient placesClient = Places.createClient(this);

    ----------Now Choose any of the method you want to implement in your project.-----

    Using Intent

     if (!Places.isInitialized()) {
    Places.initialize(getApplicationContext(), "YOUR_API_KEY");


    // Set the fields to specify which types of place data to return.
    List<Place.Field> fields = Arrays.asList(Place.Field.ID, Place.Field.NAME);

    // Start the autocomplete intent.
    Intent intent = new Autocomplete.IntentBuilder(
    AutocompleteActivityMode.FULLSCREEN, fields)
    startActivityForResult(intent, AUTOCOMPLETE_REQUEST_CODE);

    and OnActivityResult method-------

    * Override the activity's onActivityResult(), check the request code, and
    * do something with the returned place data (in this example it's place name and place ID).
    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    if (requestCode == AUTOCOMPLETE_REQUEST_CODE) {
    if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
    Place place = Autocomplete.getPlaceFromIntent(data);
    Log.i(TAG, "Place: " + place.getName() + ", " + place.getId());
    } else if (resultCode == AutocompleteActivity.RESULT_ERROR) {
    // TODO: Handle the error.
    Status status = Autocomplete.getStatusFromIntent(data);
    Log.i(TAG, status.getStatusMessage());
    } else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {
    // The user canceled the operation.

    Using Fregment

    Initialize this Autocomplete Fregment on .xml file


    -------------- and on .class file--------------------------

    Initialize Places, passing the application context and your API key.
    Initialize the AutocompleteSupportFragment.
    Call setPlaceFields() to indicate the types of place data that you want to get.
    Add a PlaceSelectionListener to do something with the result, as well as handle any errors that might occur.
    The following example shows adding an autocomplete widget to an activity:

     if (!Places.isInitialized()) {
    Places.initialize(getApplicationContext(), "YOUR_API_KEY");

    // Initialize the AutocompleteSupportFragment.

    AutocompleteSupportFragment autocompleteFragment = (AutocompleteSupportFragment)

    autocompleteFragment.setPlaceFields(Arrays.asList(Place.Field.ID, Place.Field.NAME));

    autocompleteFragment.setOnPlaceSelectedListener(new PlaceSelectionListener() {
    public void onPlaceSelected(Place place) {
    // TODO: Get info about the selected place.
    Log.i(TAG, "Place: " + place.getName() + ", " + place.getId());

    public void onError(Status status) {
    // TODO: Handle the error.
    Log.i(TAG, "An error occurred: " + status);

And Get LATLONG from selected place like this:-

    LatLng latLng = place.getLatLng();
String mStringLatitude = String.valueOf(latLng.latitude);
String mStringLongitude = String.valueOf(latLng.longitude);

Hope this will help you .

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