Android Device Manager Fails to Launch After Updating to MACos Big Sur 11.3

Android Device Manager fails to launch after updating to MacOS Big Sur 11.3

Update 2021-04-29: Emulator version 30.5.6 now in stable channel and it fixes this issue. Old answer preserved below.

Apple has changed hypervisor entitlements (permissions), deprecating with Before Google fixes emulator code signing with the new entitlements you can work around the issue by granting the entitlement yourself.

Create a file entitlements.xml with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

and run

codesign -s - --entitlements entitlements.xml --force /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64

Replace qemu path as necessary where your SDK is located. Could be e.g. ~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/qemu/darwin-x86_64/qemu-system-x86_64 on some SDK installations.

Answer based on

Related issues:


Android Emulator not working or showing after update Big Sur 11.3

Based on this post this appears to be an issue with some hypervisor entitlements that got updated in OSX 11.3.

Till an official fix is provided in the emulator app, it can be fixed by creating an entitlements.xml file with the following content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

and then running

codesign -s - --entitlements entitlements.xml --force ~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/qemu/darwin-x86_64/qemu-system-x86_64

(the path to qemu might need to be adjusted depending on Android SDK's installation path)

This solution was also suggested on other similar posts, I repeated it here for convenience.

Android Emulator can not start after update to macOS Big Sur 11.3 today

This error occurs because Apple has made changes to the hypervisor entitlements. What you want to do is:

  1. Use /Users/<username>/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/qemu/darwin-x86_64/qemu-system-x86_64 as the directory for qemu

  2. Add the entitlement to the qemu-system-x86_64 binary by:

    • First create an xml file named entitlements.xml (does not matter where) with this content:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
    <plist version="1.0">
    • Then sign the qemu binary with it:
    codesign -s - --entitlements entitlements.xml --force /Users/<username>/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/qemu/darwin-x86_64/qemu-system-x86_64

For more context, refer here

Android emulators are not working on macOS Big Sur 11.3+

Update, 10-1-2020

The Android Emulator team has pushed 30.1.5 which fixes this issue in stable. The dev build, 30.2.0 does not contain this fix. It should be available "soon" according to the Googler's working on this.

Another note, if you experience poor performance in your emulator you may wish to try using the host's GPU for rendering. This can be accomplished by running the following command in your terminal where -avd is the name of your emulator device with spaces turned to underscores.

~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator -gpu host -feature HVF -avd pixel_3a_api_29

Old information, kept for educational value:

This is the reference to the commit fixing this issue for Big Sur. This looks like it should be released in the emulator 30.1.5 (see log which should be in the next canary build.

If you can't wait, you should be able to build off that branch. Lightly tested guide heavily pulling from the readme of the repo:

# Get the google repo tool - you can skip if you already have it
curl > /usr/local/bin/repo && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/repo

# Get the code, will take some time. Probably best to go get a coffee here or run on a server if you have poor internet
mkdir -p $HOME/emu-master-dev && cd $HOME/emu-master-dev
repo init -u -b emu-master-dev
repo sync -j8

# Get XCode 10.1 - required
sudo xcodebuild -license accept &&
sudo xcode-select --install

# Get MacOS 10.13 SDK which is required
export XCODE_PATH=$(xcode-select -print-path 2>/dev/null)
git clone
cp -r MacOSX-SDKs/MacOSX10.13.sdk/ "$XCODE_PATH/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs"

# Build the emulator, which will be another coffee break...
cd external/qemu && android/

# run it :)
./objs/emulator -list-avds

Android Studio Hardware & Software Device Emulation not working on MacOS

Ok confirming that this was a Big Sur Beta issue, I reverted down to a stable release and can run as expected :|

Can't launch AVD on macOS 10.13

Use the new Hypervisor.Framework support instead of HAXM on macOS, as described in the comments of the issue filed for this:

Try running the emulator on Canary channel 26.1.x (API 25/26
recommended) with Hypervisor.Framework; put the text "HVF = on" in
~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini (create this file if it doesn't exist

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