Android - Controlling a Task with Timer and Timertask

Android - Controlling a task with Timer and TimerTask?

You might consider:

  • Examining the boolean result from calling cancel() on your task, as it should indicate if your request succeeds or fails
  • Try purge() or cancel() on the Timer instead of the TimerTask

If you do not necessarily need Timer and TimerTask, you can always use postDelayed() (available on Handler and on any View). This will schedule a Runnable to be executed on the UI thread after a delay. To have it recur, simply have it schedule itself again after doing your periodic bit of work. You can then monitor a boolean flag to indicate when this process should end. For example:

private Runnable onEverySecond=new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// do real work here

if (!isPaused) {
someLikelyWidget.postDelayed(onEverySecond, 1000);

Timer and TimerTask in Android

You need to cancel() timer not the timer task.

Control View Pager Slides with Timer Task

I think Using Handler is better then TimerTask in this case if ViewPager can slide manually too.
First Create a Handler and Runnable Globally.

private Handler handler=new Handler();
private Runnable runnable=new Runnable() {
public void run() {

Post the runnable inside onPageChange.

 pagerSlider.addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener(){
public void onPageSelected(int position) {

You need to post for first time Rest the listener will do. Change the delay as per your need :-


I just realize that you might be asking about scrolling velocity . Well for this you need to use Customize Scroller. Go to This thread.

Timer should run One time but with different Intervals

In the link you provided you will find the answer if you try little harder.

For a repeating task:

new Timer().scheduleAtFixedRate(task, after, interval);

For a single run of a task:

new Timer().schedule(task, after);

So what you need to do is to maintain temporary variable to keep track of number of clicks and you can use second method like

For a repeating task:

new Timer().scheduleAtFixedRate(task, after, interval);

For a single run of a task:

new Timer().schedule(task, after * numberOfTimeBtnClked);

You have to pass the TimerTask method instead of task in that method.

**For updating your textview use below code and forget about whatever I have written above **

public void startTimer() {
//set a new Timer
timer = new Timer();

//initialize the TimerTask's job

//run in an interval of 1000ms
timer.schedule(timerTask, 0, 1000); //

public void initializeTimerTask() {

timerTask = new TimerTask() {
public void run() { Runnable() {
public void run() {
timerSince++; //global integer variable with default value 0
if(timerSince == 5 * numberOfBtnClick){
//call your method
timerSince = 0;
//textView.setText(((5 * numberOfBtnClick)-timerSince)+" second left");

On event start button click call:


How do you use a TimerTask to run a thread?

You use a Timer, and that automatically creates a new Thread for you when you schedule a TimerTask using any of the schedule-methods.


Timer t = new Timer();
t.schedule(myTimerTask, 1000L);

This creates a Timer running myTimerTask in a Thread belonging to that Timer once every second.

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