Android Animation Flicker

Android Animation Flicker

I had the same problem and after few days I found the solution ... thanx to:

I figured out a solution to this problem. The clue came from the fact
that when showing the view, everything worked fine.
Apparently, when the animation is running, the update that would be
forced by the show happens in the background and doesn't cause the
flicker. Adding a short animation to the back end of the
onAnimationEnd() when we are hiding the view makes the flicker go

Here is the new onAndimationEnd() in the working code

  public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
animation = new TranslateAnimation(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

View blinks after animation

I solved problem of blinking of the view by animating it on other way. I used following strategy. First of all I used Guideline component of the ConstraintLayout. I constraint my banner to the top of it and place parameter layout_constraintGuide_begin = "0dp". After that I used ValueAnimator in order to get animated value for my Guideline and changed the guidebegin params of it(see the code).

        val params: ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams = guideline2.layoutParams as ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams

animBanner = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0, banner.height + toolbar.height)

animBanner!!.addUpdateListener {
params.guideBegin = it.getAnimatedValue() as Int
guideline2.layoutParams = params

This is the declaration of animation. At the end it is enough to use animBanner.start() for starting the animation and animBanner.reverse() for reverse animation (hiding banner).

Android animation flickers

call this as the first statement in OnAnimationEnd


this should fix it as it solved mine. i did face the same

Flickering(Blinking) screen when using Shared elements animation to change between activities

Removing the finish() method solved the issue. Apparently it would destroy the activity during the animation causing it to vanish.

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