Acceleration from Device's Coordinate System into Absolute Coordinate System

Acceleration from device's coordinate system into absolute coordinate system

I finally managed to solve it! So to get acceleration vector in Earth's coordinate system you need to:

  1. get rotation matrix (float[16] so it could be used later by android.opengl.Matrix class) from SensorManager.getRotationMatrix() (using SENSOR.TYPE_GRAVITY and SENSOR.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD sensors values as parameters),
  2. use android.opengl.Matrix.invertM() on the rotation matrix to invert it (not transpose!),
  3. use Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor to get linear acceleration vector (in device's coord. sys.),
  4. use android.opengl.Matrix.multiplyMV() to multiply the rotation matrix by linear acceleration vector.

And there you have it! I hope I will save some precious time for others.

Thanks for Edward Falk and Ali for hints!!

Android get accelerometers on earth coordinate system

I finally worked it out! I combined 2 previous answers, here is the code :

  monSensorManager.getRotationMatrix(Rotate, I, gravity_values, mag_values); 
float[] relativacc = new float[4];
float[] inv = new float[16];
android.opengl.Matrix.invertM(inv, 0, Rotate, 0);
android.opengl.Matrix.multiplyMV(earthAcc, 0, inv, 0, relativacc, 0);

1) Get phone unit vector in earth coordinates
2) Invert matrix to get earth unit vector in phone coordinates
3) Multiply phone acceleration by unit vector to transform phone coordinates to earth coordinates.
Thank you all for your help!

calculate acceleration in reference to true north

The accelerometer sensor returns the acceleration of the device. This is a vector in 3 dimentional space. This vector is returned in the device coordinate system. What you want is the coordinate of this vector in the world coordinate, which is simply

R = rotation matrix obtained by calling getRotationMatrix
A_D = accelerator vector return by sensor ( A_D = event.values.clone )
A_W = R * A_D is the same acceleration vector in the world coordinate system.

A_W is an array of dimention 3
A_W[0] is acceleration due east.
A_W[1] is acceleration due north.

Here is some code to compute it (assumes gravity and magnetic contain output from their respective sensors):

            float[] R = new float[9];
float[] I = new float[9];
SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(R, I, gravity, magnetic);
float [] A_D = values.clone();
float [] A_W = new float[3];
A_W[0] = R[0] * A_D[0] + R[1] * A_D[1] + R[2] * A_D[2];
A_W[1] = R[3] * A_D[0] + R[4] * A_D[1] + R[5] * A_D[2];
A_W[2] = R[6] * A_D[0] + R[7] * A_D[1] + R[8] * A_D[2];

Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates

Oki, I have worked this out mathematically myself so please bear with me.

If you want to translate an acceleration vector accelerationvalues into an acceleration vector trueacceleration expressed in real world's coordinates, once you have azimuth,pitch and roll stored in a orientationvalues vector, just do the following:

                trueacceleration[0] =(float) (accelerometervalues[0]*(Math.cos(orientationvalues[2])*Math.cos(orientationvalues[0])+Math.sin(orientationvalues[2])*Math.sin(orientationvalues[1])*Math.sin(orientationvalues[0])) + accelerometervalues[1]*(Math.cos(orientationvalues[1])*Math.sin(orientationvalues[0])) + accelerometervalues[2]*(-Math.sin(orientationvalues[2])*Math.cos(orientationvalues[0])+Math.cos(orientationvalues[2])*Math.sin(orientationvalues[1])*Math.sin(orientationvalues[0])));
trueacceleration[1] = (float) (accelerometervalues[0]*(-Math.cos(orientationvalues[2])*Math.sin(orientationvalues[0])+Math.sin(orientationvalues[2])*Math.sin(orientationvalues[1])*Math.cos(orientationvalues[0])) + accelerometervalues[1]*(Math.cos(orientationvalues[1])*Math.cos(orientationvalues[0])) + accelerometervalues[2]*(Math.sin(orientationvalues[2])*Math.sin(orientationvalues[0])+ Math.cos(orientationvalues[2])*Math.sin(orientationvalues[1])*Math.cos(orientationvalues[0])));
trueacceleration[2] = (float) (accelerometervalues[0]*(Math.sin(orientationvalues[2])*Math.cos(orientationvalues[1])) + accelerometervalues[1]*(-Math.sin(orientationvalues[1])) + accelerometervalues[2]*(Math.cos(orientationvalues[2])*Math.cos(orientationvalues[1])));

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