Swift Optional Variable Assignment with Default Value (Double Question Marks)

Swift optional variable assignment with default value (double question marks)

The nil-coalescing operator a ?? b is a shortcut for

a != nil ? a! : b

it returns either the left operand unwrapped or the right operand. So the type of foo is String and the second line should be

var bar = some_func(string: foo)

without the exclamation mark because foo is not an optional and can't be unwrapped.

(If you change the first line to

let foo: String? = dict["key"] as? String ?? "empty"

then the result of the right hand side is wrapped into an optional string again, and needs
to be unwrapped in the second line. It makes the error go away, but this is probably not what you want.)

Providing a default value for an Optional in Swift?


Apple has now added a coalescing operator:

var unwrappedValue = optionalValue ?? defaultValue

The ternary operator is your friend in this case

var unwrappedValue = optionalValue ? optionalValue! : defaultValue

You could also provide your own extension for the Optional enum:

extension Optional {
func or(defaultValue: T) -> T {
switch(self) {
case .None:
return defaultValue
case .Some(let value):
return value

Then you can just do:


However, I recommend sticking to the ternary operator as other developers will understand that much more quickly without having to investigate the or method

Note: I started a module to add common helpers like this or on Optional to swift.

What does ?? mean on a variable declaration in Swift case let pattern matching?

In the context of pattern matching, x? is the “optional pattern” and equivalent to .some(x). Consequently, case x?? is a “double optional pattern” and equivalent to .some(.some(x)).

It is used here because UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window evaluates to a “double optional” UIWindow??, compare Why is main window of type double optional?.


if case let presentationAnchor?? = UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window

matches the case that UIApplication.shared.delegate is not nil and the delegate implements the (optional) window property. In that case presentationAnchor is bound to the “doubly unwrapped” UIWindow.

See also Optional Pattern in the Swift reference:

An optional pattern matches values wrapped in a some(Wrapped) case of an Optional<Wrapped> enumeration. Optional patterns consist of an identifier pattern followed immediately by a question mark and appear in the same places as enumeration case patterns.

What is the meaning of ?? in swift?

Nil-Coalescing Operator

It's kind of a short form of this. (Means you can assign default value nil or any other value if something["something"] is nil or optional)

let val = (something["something"] as? String) != nil ? (something["something"] as! String) : "default value"

The nil-coalescing operator (a ?? b) unwraps an optional a if it contains a value, or returns a default value b if a is nil. The expression a is always of an optional type. The expression b must match the type that is stored inside a.

The nil-coalescing operator is shorthand for the code below:

a != nil ? a! : b
The code above uses the ternary conditional operator and forced unwrapping (a!) to access the value wrapped inside a when a is not nil, and to return b otherwise. The nil-coalescing operator provides a more elegant way to encapsulate this conditional checking and unwrapping in a concise and readable form.

If the value of a is non-nil, the value of b is not evaluated. This is known as short-circuit evaluation.

The example below uses the nil-coalescing operator to choose between a default color name and an optional user-defined color name:

let defaultColorName = "red"
var userDefinedColorName: String? // defaults to nil

var colorNameToUse = userDefinedColorName ?? defaultColorName
// userDefinedColorName is nil, so colorNameToUse is set to the default of "red"

See section Nil-Coalescing Operator here

Optional value in swift 3 Optimised way

You seem to have asked two different questions here. The first one regarding doubles have already been answered by adev. I will answer the second one, which is:

if i assign nil value to variable then it should remain with its default value without writing this Optional chaining ?? "abc" in constructor

If you want to do this then it means that the variable shouldn't be optional at all, as nil isn't one of its valid values. Make the variable a non-optional type and give it a default value.

class TestingModel{

var id : String = ""
var name : String = "abc"
var price : Double = 0.00
var uniqueId : Int = 1

You can't really avoid using ?? in the constructor because of the nature of dictionaries. They will always return a nil value if the key does not exist. You have to check it. It does not make sense even if this is possible anyway. Imagine something like this:

someVariable = nil // someVariable is now 0

This is extremely confusing. someVariable is 0, even though it appears that nil is assigned to it.

A workaround will be to add a dictionary extension. Something like this:

extension Dictionary {
func value(forKey key: Key, defaultValue: Value) -> Value {
return self[key] ?? defaultValue

But I still recommend that you use ?? instead.

How can I safety unwrap an optional with a default value using `coalescing unwrapping` - Not workig - Swift

You can unwrap the access of the array and the conversion to Double

let pounds = Double(arrayOfStrings.first ?? "0") ?? 0.0

Nil coalescing operator in swift returns a weird result

There's a lot going on here:

  1. a overflows, becaue 128 is larger than the maximum value that can be stored in an Int8 (Int8.max = 127), thus it'll return nil.

    This nil, a.k.a. Optional.None is of type Optional<Int8> is not the type specified by the type annotation of a (Int8??, a.k.a. Optional<Optional<Int8>>), so it's wrapped in another optional, becoming Optional.Some(Optional.None), which is now the correct type.

  2. nilCoalescing() doesn't return anything. (Which actually means it returns (), a.k.a. Void)

  3. Don't do this explicit nil check and force unwrap (!): a != nil ? a! : b. Use ?? instead: a ?? b

What exactly are you trying to do here?

Why can I declare a variable without writing optional mark?

Swift allows you to declare a non-optional variable or constant without initializing it in the declaration, but you will have to assign it a value before using it. The value of the variable or constant is not nil (non-optionals can never be nil)--it simply has no defined value. Basically you are saying you will give it a value later, possibly based on the result of a computation or an if statement.

Swift will give you a compile-time error if you try to use a non-optional variable or constant without first assigning a value to it.

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