Swift Increment Int! Not Working

Swift increment Int! not working

This error occurs with all inout parameters and should be considered a bug.

The usual way how inout parameters work is that their getter gets called once and their setter at least once. In this case the getter returns an Int!:

let num: Int! = 0
let num2 = num // is inferred to be of type Int!

so the signature of the getter/setter is not the same as the function/operator expects. But the compiler should implicitly unwrap the value if it gets assigned to an Int or passed like so:

var num3 = 0 // is of type Int
num3 = num // gets automatically unwrapped

// also with functions
func someFunc(i: Int) {}
someFunc(num) // gets automatically unwrapped


Almost the same error occurs if you want to pass an Int to a function with an inout parameter of type Int!. But here it is obvious why this doesn't work (logically): The setter of an Int never takes a nil.

Swift :Issue with increment Int inside String

You need to make your var static to share it between class instances:

class DownloadFile : NSObject {

static var number = 1
init(url : String) {
DownloadFile.number += 1

Cannot increment a number in swift

You are trying to add a value to a let and let is a constant, you can not assign values to a let after you initialized it.

Apple docs:

Constants and variables associate a name (such as maximumNumberOfLoginAttempts or welcomeMessage) with a value of a particular type (such as the number 10 or the string "Hello"). The value of a constant cannot be changed once it is set, whereas a variable can be set to a different value in the future.


is what you want

Can You Increment A Variable Inside A Function Call In Swift?

The expression featCount += 1 – unlike unsupported featCount++ – doesn't return anything (that's what the error states) so you need an extra line.

  • If the variable is supposed to be incremented before being used in the function

    featCount += 1
    features.insert(σ.min(values: yArray)!, at: featCount)
  • If the variable is supposed to be incremented after being used in the function

    features.insert(σ.min(values: yArray)!, at: featCount)
    featCount += 1

Swift :Issue with increment Int inside String

You need to make your var static to share it between class instances:

class DownloadFile : NSObject {

static var number = 1
init(url : String) {
DownloadFile.number += 1

Can't increment variable in Swift - not throwing any errors

You have to move the text setting in an extra method. Right now the text only gets set in viewDidLoad - that function will not be triggered more than once however.

change your viewDidLoad to something like


add a new function

func updateUI() {
if teamCounter % 2 == 0 {
scoreLabel.text = "Score: \(teamOneScore)"
} else {
scoreLabel.text = "Score: \(teamTwoScore)"

and call that method as the last thing in the button action:

@IBAction func buttonPressed(sender: AnyObject) {
if timer.valid && teamCounter % 2 == 0 {
} else if timer.valid && teamCounter % 2 != 0 {

Swift, increment a number on each button tap

Do something like this:

class FooViewController: UIViewController {

var keyCounter = 0

@IBAction func doSomething(_ sender: Any) {
keyCounter = keyCounter + 1
print("Key Counter = ",keyCounter)

Why does the increment not work in this case?

Your expression is grouped as

binaryNumber[i] == 1 || binaryNumber[i] == 0
? i++
: printf("Binary bits can only be 0 or 1!\n")
), i--;

and compiles with defined behaviour since printf returns an int type and , is a sequencing point. In other words, i is always decremented.

Note that the bit between ? and : is grouped as if it were in parentheses, but that's not true for the part after :. In other words, somewhat bizarrely, the expression

!(binaryNumber[i] == 1 || binaryNumber[i] == 0) 
? printf("Binary bits can only be 0 or 1!\n"), i--
: i++

would behave the way you'd expect although relying on that is probably a step too far, even for me.

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