Swift Compiler Error Int Is Not Convertible to Cgfloat

Swift Compiler Error Int is not convertible to CGFloat

Pass Int as parameter to CGFloat init:

var value = -1

var newVal = CGFloat(value) // -1.0

In your case:

bird.zRotation = self.clamp(CGFloat(-1), max: 0.5, value: bird.physicsBody.velocity.dy * (bird.physicsBody.velocity.dy < 0 ?0.003 : 0.001 ))



struct CGFloat {

/// The native type used to store the CGFloat, which is Float on
/// 32-bit architectures and Double on 64-bit architectures.
typealias NativeType = Double
init(_ value: Float)
init(_ value: Double)

/// The native value.
var native: NativeType

extension CGFloat : FloatingPointType {
// ...
init(_ value: Int) // < --- your case
// ...

Int' is not convertible to 'CGFloat' SwiftUI Misleading error

You can't just put function call in a ViewBuilder, because it can't resolve opaque return type.

There are several possible solutions, depending on your needs:

1) Put call of pullData in init()

2) Provide explicit return in ViewBuilder (all of them)

3) Call in some closure (seems most appropriate in this use-case) as in below:

struct FunAreaSmall: View {

//Code from above goes here...
var body: some View {
//Smaller UI
VStack {
HStack {
Button(action:{}) {
.offset(y: 60)
Button(action: {}) {
.offset(y: 60)
.onAppear() {

Int is not convertible to CGFloat error when subclassing UIImageView

In your init you forgot to call the parent initializer:

init(someParameter: Bool) {
self.someParameter = someParameter
println("\(someParameter) is being initialized")

super.init() // << this is missing

However it looks like there's another initializer which is required but not said explicitly:

override init(frame: CGRect) {
self.someParameter = false
super.init(frame: frame)

That should solve the compilation issue - what's left is figuring out how to initialize the properties implemented in your class - maybe you should use optionals.

CGFloat is not convertible to Int when trying to calculate an expression

You have already explained and solved the matter perfectly. It's simply a matter of you accepting your own excellent explanation:

It works perfectly fine if ... I just give it a literal value ... But when I go with any variable or constant or expression containing one, it displays an error "CGFloat is not convertible to Int".

Correct. Numeric literals can be automatically coerced to another type, such as CGFloat. But variables cannot; you must coerce them, explicitly. To do so, initialize a new number, of the correct type, based on the old number.

So, this works automagically:

let f1 : CGFloat = 1.0
let f2 = f1 + 1

But here, you have to coerce:

let f1 : CGFloat = 1.0
let f2 = 1
let f3 = f1 + CGFloat(f2)

It's a pain, but it keeps you honest, I guess. Personally I agree with your frustration, as my discussion here will show: Swift numerics and CGFloat (CGPoint, CGRect, etc.) It is hard to believe that a modern language is expected to work with such clumsy numeric handling, especially when we are forced against our will to bang into the Core Graphics CGFloat type so frequently in real-life Cocoa programming. But that, it seems, is the deal. I keep hoping that Swift will change in this regard, but it hasn't happened so far. And there is a legitimate counterargument that implicit coercion, which is what we were doing in Objective-C, is dangerous (and indeed, things like the coming of 64-bit have already exposed the danger).

UInt8 is not convertible to CGFloat error in iOS Swift

You have to do it explicitly as

var spacing:CGFloat = CGFloat((avatarContentcroll.frame.size.width) - CGFloat(columns) * (dimension))/(columns+1)
var scHeight:CGFloat = CGFloat(spacing + (CGFloat(numberOfAvatars)/CGFloat(columns)) * (dimension + spacing))

or you can try converting every expression in CGFloat

var spacing:CGFloat = ((avatarContentcroll.frame.size.width) - CGFloat(columns) * (dimension))/(columns+1)
var scHeight:CGFloat = spacing + (CGFloat(numberOfAvatars)/CGFloat(columns)) * (dimension + spacing)

Swift Compiler error: 'Double' is not convertible to CGFloat

You can convert it with CGFloat(M_PI).

For example the following code should work in your case (note the use of CGFloat)

let action = SKAction.rotateByAngle(CGFloat(M_PI), duration:1)

Swift Double is Not Convertible to CGFloat

Convert the values that need to be CGFloat to a CGFloat.

path.addArcWithCenter(center, radius: CGFloat(radius), startAngle: CGFloat(0.0), endAngle: CGFloat(M_PI) * 2.0, clockwise: true)

startAngle probably shouldn't need to be converted though if you're just passing a literal. Also note that this isn't a C style cast, but actually converting between different Swift Types.

Edit: Looking at your whole function, this works.

func drawCircle() {
// Drawing code
var bounds:CGRect = self.view.bounds
var center = CGPoint()
center.x = bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width / 2.0
center.y = bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height / 2.0
var radius = (min(bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height) / 2.0)
var path:UIBezierPath = UIBezierPath()
path.addArcWithCenter(center, radius: CGFloat(radius), startAngle: CGFloat(0.0), endAngle: CGFloat(Float(M_PI) * 2.0), clockwise: true)

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