Swift Auto Completion Not Working in Xcode 6 Beta

Swift auto completion not working in Xcode 6 Beta

I have figured it out. If your Swift files contain Unicode characters, auto completion will fail even if the characters are comments. So just delete all the Unicode characters, and the auto completion feature will work well!

I think this is a Xcode 6 Beta bug!

Xcode 6 isn't autocompleting in Swift

This fix from apple dev forums works for me. I have had performance/autocomplete issues since beta 5 i think and now xcode 6.1/Yosemite on my old 2010 MBP is working flawlessly.

  1. Quit Xcode.
  2. Restart the computer (this is to clear any in-memory caches).
  3. Delete the contents of the DerivedData folder
  4. [This is the key move:] Delete ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode.

Now launch Xcode once more…

Xcode 6 Swift code completion not working

Just go in user->Library->Developer->Xcode->DerivedData and delete the Data of folder(Derived data) and restart Xcode.

Xcode 6 autocomplete failure (error type)

I was about to give up and work without the autocomplete feature, I even reinstalled XCode but with no success. What I forgot to try was to delete the .xcuserdatad folder that can be found when you right click on the project and select the Show Package Contents, then open xcuserdata folder and delete the [Username].xcuserdatad folder. It worked like a charm, the autocomplete is "alive" again and XCode works better than ever before. I hope this would help anyone with the same annoying issue...

Xcode 6 Swift partial auto complete methods

There are Xcode plugins for this. I like to use the fuzzyautocomplete because you can write partial methods. It uses the same tool that "open quickly" uses to find these methods.


You can also get this plugin (and more) from.


Xcode autocomplete does not work in Sources folder of Swift playgrounds

In order to enable autocompletion, you can embed your Playground in a regular Xcode project (e.g. an iOS application). I recommend creating a dummy project for that purpose. Simply drag and drop your playground in this dummy project and make sure to check "Add to target".

Then you can navigate to

Target -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources -> + -> Add other

and add all the files from your source folder. Please note, that you don't need to actually copy the files, a reference is enough for this purpose.

After this process all your source files are built against this dummy target and you can use autocompletion as usual. As far as I know, this is the best practice for debugging Playgrounds right now. Anyway I am curious, if there is an easier way to achieve that.

Xcode 9 Autocomplete Not Working 100% - Partially Working

Deleting the DERIVED DATA folder seemed to fix my issue. Thanks to this post: swift println() not showing autocomplete options while writting code

Xcode 6 with Swift super slow typing and autocompletion

  • Quit Xcode and restart the Mac are not required but preferred.
  • Delete the content of the folder
  • Delete the content ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode

This is a temporally solution, but works greatly.

Below the script using Script Editor app.

tell application "Terminal"
do script "rm -frd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*"
do script "rm -frd ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode/*"
end tell

Alternatively, you can create an alias for your terminal like this:

alias xcodeclean="rm -frd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/* && rm -frd ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode/*"

You can add that to your ~/.bash_profile and then type xcodeclean on the command line every time you would like to clear those two folders.

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