Replacing Multiple Different Occurences with Multiple Different Replacements - Swift4.2

Replacing Multiple Different Occurences with Multiple Different Replacements - Swift4.2

I am still not sure if this is exactly what you are asking but if I understood correctly you can zip your collections and iterate the resulting tuples:

var result = "example"
zip(["e", "x", "a", "m", "p", "l", "e"],["1", "3", "2", "8", "5", "7"]).forEach {
result = result.replacingOccurrences(of: $0, with: $1, options: .literal)
result // 1328571

What is an easier way to replace multiple characters with other characters in a string in swift?

I think the only problem you will run into with using addingPercentEncoding is that your question states that a space " " should be replaced with an underscore. Using addingPercentEncoding for a space " " will return %20. You should be able to combine some of these answers, define the remaining characters from your list that should return standard character replacement and get your desired outcome.

var userText = "This has.lots-of(symbols),&stuff"
userText = userText.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "_")
let allowedCharacterSet = (CharacterSet(charactersIn: ".-(),&").inverted)
var newText = userText.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: allowedCharacterSet)

print(newText!) // Returns This_has%2Elots%2Dof%28symbols%29%2C%26stuff

Replacing Multiple Occurrences in Array - Swift 4.1

extension Array where Element: Equatable {
func replacingMultipleOccurrences(using array: (of: Element, with: Element)...) -> Array {
var newArr: Array<Element> = self

for replacement in array {
for (index, item) in self.enumerated() {
if item == replacement.of {
newArr[index] = replacement.with

return newArr

Swift 5 replacingOccurrences multiple elements

xTwisteDx’s answer is correct. Just chain your replacingOccurrences calls.

But just a stylistic observation: Frequently, when chaining a bunch of calls like this, we might break it into separate lines, e.g.

let newOsetx = osetx
.replacingOccurrences(of: "e", with: "11")
.replacingOccurrences(of: "t", with: "10")

When you're doing a bunch of replacements, that can make it a little more easy to read the code at a glance.

If you are doing more than two or three replacements, you might consider using some looping pattern. For example, you could use an array of tuples representing the search and replace strings:

let replacements = [
("e", "11"),
("t", "10")

Then you can loop through them, performing the replacements:

var newOsetx = osetx

for (searchString, replacement) in replacements {
newOsetx = newOsetx.replacingOccurrences(of: searchString, with: replacement)

Or you can use reduce:

let newOsetx = replacements.reduce(osetx) { string, replacement in
string.replacingOccurrences(of: replacement.0, with: replacement.1)

Combine multiple replacingOccurrences() with Swift

You may use

var modString = myString.replacingOccurrences(of: "[#*_]", with: "\\\\$0", options: [.regularExpression])

With a raw string literal:

var modString = myString.replacingOccurrences(of: "[#*_]", with: #"\\$0"#, options: [.regularExpression])

Result: This is \#an exemple \#of \_my\_ \* function

The options: [.regularExpression] argument enables the regex search mode.

The [#*_] pattern matches #, * or _ and then each match is replaced with a backslash (\\\\) and the match value ($0). Note that the backslash must be doubled in the replacement string because a backslash has a special meaning inside a replacement pattern (it may be used to make $0 a literal string when $ is preceded with a backslash).

How to replace multiple characters in swift

Using replacingOccurrences means that you would like to replace occurrences of string within string. So basically you would use it to replace all occurrences of "dog" with "cat". It means that "I have a dog. My dog is very neat..." would be converted to "I have a cat. My cat is very neat...".

From what your seem to try to do is to actually filter out some of the characters. You could try an answer like this one. With some small tweaks you should probably get something like

let textA = text.filter { "[ a|\\b|\\u]".contains($0) == false }

So basically you would like to have a same text but removing all characters that are contained within the string "[ a|\\b|\\u]".

swift - using replaceRange() to change certain occurrences in a string

This is is what you want to do:

var animal = "elaphant"
if let range = animal.rangeOfString("a") {
animal.replaceRange(range, with: "e")

rangeOfString will search for the first occurrence of the provided substring and if that substring can be found it will return a optional range otherwise it will return nil.

we need to unwrap the optional and the safest way is with an if let statement so we assign our range to the constant range.

The replaceRange will do as it suggests, in this case we need animal to be a var.

Any way to replace characters on Swift String?

This answer has been updated for Swift 4 & 5. If you're still using Swift 1, 2 or 3 see the revision history.

You have a couple of options. You can do as @jaumard suggested and use replacingOccurrences()

let aString = "This is my string"
let newString = aString.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "+", options: .literal, range: nil)

And as noted by @cprcrack below, the options and range parameters are optional, so if you don't want to specify string comparison options or a range to do the replacement within, you only need the following.

let aString = "This is my string"
let newString = aString.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "+")

Or, if the data is in a specific format like this, where you're just replacing separation characters, you can use components() to break the string into and array, and then you can use the join() function to put them back to together with a specified separator.

let toArray = aString.components(separatedBy: " ")
let backToString = toArray.joined(separator: "+")

Or if you're looking for a more Swifty solution that doesn't utilize API from NSString, you could use this.

let aString = "Some search text"

let replaced = String( {
$0 == " " ? "+" : $0

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