Nsfetchedresultscontollerdelegate For Collectionview

NSFetchedResultsContollerDelegate for CollectionView

Combining a fetched results controller with a collection view is a bit tricky.
The problem is explained in

  • http://ashfurrow.com/blog/how-to-use-nsfetchedresultscontroller-with-uicollectionview

If you're looking for how to get around the
NSInternalInconsistencyException runtime exception with
UICollectionView, I have an example on GitHub detailing how to queue
updates from the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate.

The problem is that the existing UITableView class uses beginUpdates
and endUpdates to submit batches to the table view. UICollectionView
has a new performBatchUpdates: method, which takes a block parameter
to update the collection view. That's sexy, but it doesn't work well
with the existing paradigm for NSFetchedResultsController.

Fortunately, that article also provides a sample implementation:

  • https://github.com/AshFurrow/UICollectionView-NSFetchedResultsController

From the README:

This is an example of how to use the new UICollectionView with
NSFetchedResultsController. The trick is to queue the updates made
through the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate until the controller
finishes its updates. UICollectionView doesn't have the same
beginUpdates and endUpdates that UITableView has to let it work easily
with NSFetchedResultsController, so you have to queue them or you get
internal consistency runtime exceptions.

NSFetchedResultsContollerDelegate for CollectionView

Combining a fetched results controller with a collection view is a bit tricky.
The problem is explained in

  • http://ashfurrow.com/blog/how-to-use-nsfetchedresultscontroller-with-uicollectionview

If you're looking for how to get around the
NSInternalInconsistencyException runtime exception with
UICollectionView, I have an example on GitHub detailing how to queue
updates from the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate.

The problem is that the existing UITableView class uses beginUpdates
and endUpdates to submit batches to the table view. UICollectionView
has a new performBatchUpdates: method, which takes a block parameter
to update the collection view. That's sexy, but it doesn't work well
with the existing paradigm for NSFetchedResultsController.

Fortunately, that article also provides a sample implementation:

  • https://github.com/AshFurrow/UICollectionView-NSFetchedResultsController

From the README:

This is an example of how to use the new UICollectionView with
NSFetchedResultsController. The trick is to queue the updates made
through the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate until the controller
finishes its updates. UICollectionView doesn't have the same
beginUpdates and endUpdates that UITableView has to let it work easily
with NSFetchedResultsController, so you have to queue them or you get
internal consistency runtime exceptions.

collectionView, didSelectItemAtIndexPath some issue

you have to set identifier for viewcontroller and call the method like

 CallViewController *vc=[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"CallViewController"];

[self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];

and be sure you had embedded Navigation View Controller.

Delete multiple Core Data objects: Issue with NSFetchedResultsController

If you delete several images, and then save the context, the FRC processes all the deletions - so its sections, fetchedObjects, etc, reflect all those changes. But it then calls the didChangeObject: delegate method separately for each change. In that method, you call the collectionView update methods (eg. deleteItems); the collectionView then calls its dataSource methods and does a quick tally up: there were X items, Y items were deleted, there are now Z items and throws an error because Z != X-Y.

When a FRC is used with a tableView, this problem is overcome by using the tableView beginUpdates and endUpdates calls in the FRC controllerWillChangeContent: and controllerDidChangeContent: delegate methods. This causes the tableView to defer doing the tally up until ALL the individual changes have been processed - at which point the numbers do add up.

Your solution - to call saveContext after each deletion - causes the FRC to process each deletion in turn: updating its sections, fetchedObjects, etc, to reflect only one deletion at a time. This keeps the FRC's data in sync with the collectionView. One possible refinement would be to call processPendingChanges on the context after each deletion, instead of saving the context. This avoids saving data when you might not want to, but nonetheless causes each deletion to be processed separately.

The alternative is to mimic the tableView's beginUpdates/endUpdates mechanism for holding all the collectionView updates until all the FRC updates have been processed. This works broadly as follows:

  1. Create arrays to keep track of the changes (inserts, deletes).
  2. Each time didChangeObject: is called, add the corresponding indexPath to the relevant array.
  3. When controllerDidChangeContent: is called, iterate through the arrays (deletions first, when inserts) calling the corresponding collectionView update methods. (Then empty the arrays ready for the next batch of updates).

Some good explanations and potential implementations are included in this question and its answers.

UICollectionViewController halts scrolling when inserting new cells

It turns out I had a UIRefreshControl object that was calling endRefreshing() when I downloaded new data. This apparently halts scrolling.

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