How to Sleep for Few Milliseconds in Swift 2.2

How to sleep for few milliseconds in swift 2.2?

usleep() takes millionths of a second

usleep(1000000) //will sleep for 1 second
usleep(2000) //will sleep for .002 seconds


 let ms = 1000
usleep(useconds_t(2 * ms)) //will sleep for 2 milliseconds (.002 seconds)


let second: Double = 1000000
usleep(useconds_t(0.002 * second)) //will sleep for 2 milliseconds (.002 seconds)

How to create a delay in Swift?

Instead of a sleep, which will lock up your program if called from the UI thread, consider using NSTimer or a dispatch timer.

But, if you really need a delay in the current thread:

do {

This uses the sleep function from UNIX.

How to thread sleep in swift on linux

You can import sleep from Glibc or Darwin, but better yet, you can use Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval:) from Foundation

import Foundation

while true {
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.1)

How to Wait in Objective-C and Swift

You can use

[self performSelector:@selector(changeText:) withObject:text afterDelay:2.0];

or if you want to display it periodically, check the NSTimer class.

How to make thread sleep for seconds in iOS?

It would be better if you shared what you have done but it here you go.

There are a few options you can go with:

Option 1

// Standard Unix calls

Some documentation regarding the sleep function can be found here. You'll find that they are actually C functions but since Objective-C is a strict superset of C we can still use the sleep and usleep functions.

Option 2

[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:2.000];//2 seconds

The Apple documentation for this method states:

Sleeps the thread for a given time interval.


No run loop processing occurs while the thread is blocked.

Option 3

// Do whatever you want here.

The Grand Central Dispatch route is a pretty good way of doing things as well. Here is the Apple Documentation for Grand Central Dispatch which is quite a good read.

There is also this question that might be pretty useful How to Wait in Objective-C

How to interrupt Thread.sleep. Alternatives?

Thread.sleep is non-cancelable and blocks a thread. And spinning on a RunLoop is inefficient. That having been said, there are a few alternatives:

  1. Nowadays, to manage dependencies between asynchronous tasks, we would reach for Swift concurrency’s Task rather than Operation. In Swift concurrency, we have Task.sleep, which, unlike Thread.sleep, is cancelable and does not block the thread.

  2. If you want to stay within OperationQueue patterns, you would use an asynchronous custom Operation subclass (perhaps the AsynchronousOperation shown in either here or here), and then you would use a timer. You could use a DispatchSourceTimer, or a Timer, or asyncAfter with a cancelable DispatchWorkItem. Which you choose really does not matter. The key is to ensure that the cancel implementation invalidates the Timer or cancels the DispatchWorkItem or DispatchSourceTimer, e.g.:

    class OneSecondOperation: AsynchronousOperation {
    weak var timer: Timer?

    override func main() {
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
    self.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: false) { [weak self] _ in

    override func cancel() {

    Note, the pattern whereby you periodically check isCancelled only applies if you have an existing loop. E.g., if you are doing some iterative calculation, for example, that is a very reasonable pattern. But if you are just waiting, the idea of introducing a loop merely to check isCancelled is inefficient. Instead, set up a timer and implement cancel method that cancels that timer, as shown above.

Either way, you want implementation that does not block a thread and can be canceled. With Operation subclass you have to implement that yourself. With Swift concurrency, you get that for free.

How to create a formatter for TimeInterval to print minutes, seconds and milliseconds

I think the way to look at this is that it's a misuse of a date components formatter. This isn't a date of any kind. It's a string consisting of a certain number of minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. Unlike date math, that's a calculation you can perform, and then you are free to present the string however you like.

If you want to use a formatter to help you with user locales and so forth, then you are looking for a measurement formatter (for each of the substrings).

Example (using the new Swift 5.5 formatter notation):

let t1 = Measurement<UnitDuration>(value: 2, unit: .minutes)
let t2 = Measurement<UnitDuration>(value: 4, unit: .seconds)
let t3 = Measurement<UnitDuration>(value: 345, unit: .milliseconds)
let s1 = t1.formatted(.measurement(width: .narrow))
let s2 = t2.formatted(.measurement(width: .narrow))
let s3 = t3.formatted(.measurement(width: .narrow))
let result = "\(s1) \(s2) \(s3)" // "2m 4s 345ms"

Addendum: You say in a comment that you're having trouble deriving the number milliseconds. Here's a possible way. Start with seconds and let the Measurement do the conversion. Then format the resulting value in the formatter. Like this:

let t3 = Measurement<UnitDuration>(value: 0.344657, unit: .seconds)
.converted(to: .milliseconds)
// getting the `` from `` is easy and not shown here
let s3 = t3.formatted(.measurement(
width: .narrow,
numberFormatStyle: .number.precision(.significantDigits(3))))

You might have to play around a little with the number-formatter part of that, but the point is that a measurement formatter lets you dictate the number format and thus get the truncation / rounding behavior you're after.

Swift 3.0: delay of less than a second

Well, that's quite easy, don't use seconds, use milliseconds:

let deadlineTime = + .milliseconds(300) // 0.3 seconds 

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