How to Retrieve All Contacts Using Cncontact.Predicateforcontacts

How to retrieve all contacts using CNContact.predicateForContacts?

I'd like to retrieve all the names of the people listed on address book.

Form a CNContactFetchRequest specifying that the keys you want are names, and call enumerateContacts(with:usingBlock:).

    let req = CNContactFetchRequest(keysToFetch: [
CNContactFamilyNameKey as CNKeyDescriptor,
CNContactGivenNameKey as CNKeyDescriptor
try! CNContactStore().enumerateContacts(with: req) {
contact, stop in
print(contact) // in real life, probably populate an array

set correct CNContact.predicateForContacts to select email

Your predicate is trying to find contacts where the person's name matches the string lbs.

There is no built-in predicate for finding contacts that have an email address containing a specific string. The solution is to use enumerateContacts and look at each individual contact's list of email addresses. You will then need to check to see if any of the contact's email address contains the string you wish to check.

phone number predicate on CNContactStore

In short: you can't create a predicate to filter based on phone number. You have to pull all of the contacts and iterate. NOTE: For any given phone number, it 1) may not exist in contacts, or 2) exist more than once.

Check out this post:

How to fetch contacts NOT named John with Swift 3

Before I outline how to find those that don't match a name, let's recap how one finds those that do. In short, you'd use a predicate:

let predicate = CNContact.predicateForContacts(matchingName: searchString)
let matches = try store.unifiedContacts(matching: predicate, keysToFetch: [CNContactFormatter.descriptorForRequiredKeys(for: .fullName)]) // use whatever keys you want

(Obviously, you'd wrap that in a do-try-catch construct, or whatever error handling pattern you want.)

Unfortunately, you cannot use your own custom predicates with the Contacts framework, but rather can only use the CNContact predefined predicates. Thus, if you want to find contacts whose name does not contain "John", you have to manually enumerateContacts(with:) and build your results from that:

let formatter = CNContactFormatter() = .fullName

let request = CNContactFetchRequest(keysToFetch: [CNContactFormatter.descriptorForRequiredKeys(for: .fullName)]) // include whatever other keys you may need

// find those contacts that do not contain the search string

var matches = [CNContact]()
try store.enumerateContacts(with: request) { contact, stop in
if !(formatter.string(from: contact)?.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(searchString) ?? false) {

Matching CNcontact and Digits Find Friends Swift 3

Ideally, one would have expected predicate of the CNContactFetchRequest to do the job, but that (still; argh) only accepts a narrow list of predicates defined with CNContact (e.g. CNContact predicateForContacts(matchingName:) or predicateForContacts(withIdentifiers:). It doesn't even accept the block-based NSPredicate.

So, you have to enumerate through, looking for matches yourself, e.g.

let request = CNContactFetchRequest(keysToFetch: [
CNContactGivenNameKey as CNKeyDescriptor,
CNContactFamilyNameKey as CNKeyDescriptor,
CNContactMiddleNameKey as CNKeyDescriptor,
CNContactEmailAddressesKey as CNKeyDescriptor,
CNContactPhoneNumbersKey as CNKeyDescriptor

do {
try contactStore.enumerateContacts(with: request) { contact, stop in
for phone in contact.phoneNumbers {
// look at `phone.value.stringValue`, e.g.

let phoneNumberDigits = String(phone.value.stringValue.characters.filter { String($0).rangeOfCharacter(from: CharacterSet.decimalDigits) != nil })

if phoneNumberDigits == "8885551212" {
} catch let enumerateError {

Regarding matching "digit UserID", I don't know what that identifier is (is it a Contacts framework identifier or Digits' own identifier?).

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