Error: Use of Unresolved Identifier 'Process'

Error: Use of unresolved Identifier 'Process'

Process was changed to CommandLine in swift 3.0

Try replacing Process with CommandLine

Here is the link to the commit that changed it:
Rename Process to CommandLine [SE-0086].

How to fix the error Use of Unresolved identifier when actually I can access that identifier

Make sure your class file of BankAccount is available for your other target -> ShoppingLandSiri. you can check it from the file inspector view.

Swift - use of unresolved identifier

1) Right Click your MainViewController.swift

2) Select Show File Inspector

3) On Right side panel, look at Target Membership

4) Add your class to target by check the box :)

Use of unresolved identifier 'response' (after dataTask.resume() )


let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse
if httpResponse.contains("chute") {

should be inside completionHandler

To accomplish what you need do

if let str = response?.url?.absoluteString , str.contains("chute") {


Is Process always unresolved in iOS app or Playground?

if #available() does a runtime check for OS versions.

if #available(macOS 10.0, *)

evaluates to true if the code is running on macOS 10.0 or later,
or on iOS/tvOS/watchOS with an OS which is at least the minimum deployment target.

What you want is a conditional compilation, depending on the platform:

#if os(macOS)
let process = Process()
// ...

Use of unresolved identifier 'timeR' - Calling a nested function

The timeR function is defined as a local function inside hardnessSelected, so it is only visible inside its encompassing function, hardnessSelected.

If you want to pass the value of hardness into onTimerFires, you need to save it into an instance property of ViewController, that both onTimerFires and hardnessSelected has access to. Then move timeR into onTimerFires and pass in the value of hardness.

class ViewController: UIViewController {

private let eggTimes:[String:Int] = [

var hardness: String?

var timer:Timer?

@objc func onTimerFires() {
func timeR(hardness: String) -> Int {
if eggTimes[hardness] == 5 {
return 120
} else if eggTimes[hardness] == 7{
return 420
} else {
return 720

var timeLeft:Int = timeR(hardness: hardness ?? "")

timeLeft -= 1
print("\(timeLeft) seconds left")

if timeLeft <= 0 {
timer = nil

@IBAction func hardnessSelected(_ sender: UIButton) {

timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(onTimerFires), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

hardness = sender.currentTitle


Swift - Use of unresolved identifier 'self' - from Closure in a Class

Rahul's explanation is correct, but the suggested answer is ever so slightly incomplete.

Here is a complete solution:

  1. Declare the doSomething property as lazy as Rahul suggested. A lazy stored property is a property whose initial value is not calculated until the first time it is used. In other words this closure will not be evaluated until the doSomething property is called at run-time, at which point self is guaranteed to exist. See Lazy Stored Properties in the Swift Programming Language for more details.

  2. Add a type annotation to the doSomething property so the compiler doesn't have to infer the type at compile time, which apparently it can't do because the closure includes self. See Type Safety and Type Inference in the Swift Programming Language for more details.

So the complete declaration is:

lazy var doSomething: (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void = { (data: Data?, response: URLResponse?, error: Error?) -> Void in

ps. Welcome to Swift programming! It's a fantastic language and really fun. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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