Cannot Assign to Property: 'Self' Is Immutable, I Know How to Fix But Needs Understanding

Cannot assign to property: 'self' is immutable, I know how to fix but needs understanding

struct is a value type. For value types, only methods explicitly marked as mutating can modify the properties of self, so this is not possible within a computed property.

If you change struct to be a class then your code compiles without problems.

Structs are value types which means they are copied when they are passed around.So if you change a copy you are changing only that copy, not the original and not any other copies which might be around.If your struct is immutable then all automatic copies resulting from being passed by value will be the same.If you want to change it you have to consciously do it by creating a new instance of the struct with the modified data. (not a copy)

Cannot assign to property: 'self' is immutable

In swift you'll need to call self.pageViewController.setDelegate(self)

Delegates have been declared as methods, not properties in some cases

Cannot use mutating getter on immutable value: 'self' is immutable error

Because when you call x inside the struct, it's not clear whether the contentView itself is mutable or not. A value type gets mutable only when it is defined as a var.

So it would help if you wrapped it with an immutable value before using it inside a builder function inside the struct.

like this:

func xValue() -> Double {
var mutatableSelf = self
return mutatableSelf.x

var body: some View {
VStack {

strong>Note: Lazy property's value will be associated on the first call and this mutates the object. So they are considered as mutating

Cannot assign to property: 'self' is immutable swift error

Make the protocol become reference type

protocol Positions: AnyObject {

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