Binary Operator '>=' Cannot Be Applied to Operands of Type 'String.Indexdistance' (Aka 'Optional<Int>') and 'Int'

Binary operator ' =' cannot be applied to operands of type 'String.IndexDistance?' (aka 'Optional Int ') and 'Int'

The reason is that Equatable works with optionals and Comparable does not. You have to unwrap the optional.

A suitable and safe solution is to optional bind the text property:

if let password = textFieldPassword.text, password.count >= 8 { ... }

Binary operator '~=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'String' and 'String?'

Because of Optional Chaining, bubble?.name has type String?. You have a few options:

  • Use "largeBubble"? in your case expression (Swift 2+ only).
  • Check for nil before doing your switch, so the switch argument will be a String instead of String?.
  • Use bubble!.name (or if it's a SKPhysicsBody!) if you are absolutely sure that it won't be nil

Binary operator cannot be applied to operands of type Int and String - Swift 2.3 - Swift 3.2 conversion error

Error itself says it's different types Int and String.

You can need to typecast one or another in same form and them compare.

if (String(error?.code)!) == "-112"){

Cannot invoke initializer for type 'Double' with an argument list of type '(String?)'

amount?.count <= 0 here amount is optional. You have to make sure it not nil.

let amount:String? = amountTF.text
if let amountValue = amount, amountValue.count <= 0 {


amountValue.count <= 0 will only be called if amount is not nil.

Same issue for this let am = Double(amount). amount is optional.

if let amountValue = amount, let am = Double(amountValue) {
// am

How to get an Int from a string.index?

You can use distance(from:to:) to compute the (integer) distance
from a String.Index to the string's start position:

let str = "abab"
for char in str {
if let idx = str.index(of: char) {
let distance = str.distance(from: str.startIndex, to: idx)
print(char, distance)

But note that index(of:) returns the first index of the character
in the string, so the above code will print

a 0
b 1
a 0
b 1

If your intention is to get the running offset together with each character in the string then use enumerated()

for (distance, char) in str.enumerated() {
print(char, distance)

This will print

a 0
b 1
a 2
b 3

Swift3 optionals chaining in IF conditions bug?

Optional comparison operators are removed from Swift 3.

You need to write something like this:

if test?.optionalInt ?? 0 > 4


Swift Error Cannot convert value of type '[String.Element]' (aka 'Array Character ') to expected argument type '[String]'

The problem is that Array(allWords[0]) produces [Character] and not the [String] that you need.

You can call map on a String (which is a collection of Characters and use String.init on each character to convert it to a String). The result of the map will be [String]:

var arrayOfLetters = allWords[0].map(String.init)


  1. When I tried this in a Playground, I was getting the mysterious message Fatal error: Only BidirectionalCollections can be advanced by a negative amount. This seems to be a Playground issue, because it works correctly in an app.
  2. Just the word "Leopards" produces 109,536 permutations.

Another Approach

Another approach to the problem is to realize that permute doesn't have to work on [String]. It could use [Character] instead. Also, since you are always starting with a String, why not pass that string to the outer permute and let it create the [Character] for you.

Finally, since it is logical to think that you might just want anagrams of the original word, make minStringLen an optional with a value of nil and just use word.count if the value is not specified.

func permute(word: String, minStringLen: Int? = nil) -> Set<String> {
func permute(fromList: [Character], toList: [Character], minStringLen: Int, set: inout Set<String>) {
if toList.count >= minStringLen {
if !fromList.isEmpty {
for (index, item) in fromList.enumerated() {
var newFrom = fromList
newFrom.remove(at: index)
permute(fromList: newFrom, toList: toList + [item], minStringLen: minStringLen, set: &set)

var set = Set<String>()
permute(fromList: Array(word), toList:[], minStringLen: minStringLen ?? word.count, set: &set)
return set


print(permute(word: "foo", minStringLen: 1))
["of", "foo", "f", "fo", "o", "oof", "oo", "ofo"]
print(permute(word: "foo"))
["foo", "oof", "ofo"]

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