Xml Oracle:Multiple Child Node Extract

XML Oracle : Multiple Child Node extract

You can achieve desired result by using XMLTable() function:

select q.Lastname
, q.Numberid
, s.codeid
, w.LoginId
, q.address
from t1 t
left join xmltable('/begin/entry'
passing t.xml_col
columns LastName varchar2(21) path 'lastname',
NumberId number path 'NumberList/number',
Address varchar2(201) path 'address/addresslist',
CodeList XmlType Path 'NumberList/codelist/code',
Logins XmlType Path 'NumberList/login/user'
) q
on (1=1)
left join xmltable('/code'
passing q.CodeList
columns CodeId number path '.') s
on (1=1)
left join xmltable('/user'
passing q.Logins
columns LoginId varchar2(11) path '.') w
on (1=1)

Result: SQLFiddle Demo

Lastname Numberid Codeid Loginid Address 
gordon 100 213 user1 Jl. jalan pelan-pelan ke Bekasi, Indonesia
gordon 100 213 user2 Jl. jalan pelan-pelan ke Bekasi, Indonesia
gordon 100 214 user1 Jl. jalan pelan-pelan ke Bekasi, Indonesia
gordon 100 214 user2 Jl. jalan pelan-pelan ke Bekasi, Indonesia
mark null null null Jl. jalan cepet-cepet ke Jakarta, Indonesia

Find out more about XMLTable() function.

Note: Working with Oracle releases prior to, you can encounter ORA-1780 error(bug 8545377) on certain types of XML queries when cursor_sharing parameter is set to FORCE or SIMILAR(deprecated starting from 11.2). Setting cursor_sharing parameter to EXACT(default value), will solve the problem.

Oracle XML Query with multiple child nodes

Try using string-join function: 'string-join(Values//Value, ", ")'.

XML Oracle: Extract specific attribute from multiple repeating child nodes

Aaand I managed to find the solution, which is quite simple, just added [text()="Form3"]/.../" to predicate the Xpath as in

ExtractValue(Value(p),'/Customer/Loyalty/Client/Identifications/Identification/*[local-name()="Form"][text()="Form3"]/text()') as form,
ExtractValue(Value(p),'/Customer/Loyalty/Client/Identifications/Identification/Form[text()="Form3"]/.../*[local-name()="value"]/text()') as value

Also extracted the values just sending them directly into the procedure's OUT parameter:

P_FORM := r.form;
P_LOYALTY_VALUE := r.value;

Extract specific xml node from duplicate ones in oracle

You want to select the node that has the ADI text as first string.

Try this:

t.my_xml.extract('//city[./string[1]/text() = "ADI"]/string[2]/text()').getStringVal()
from XYZ t
where t.my_xml.existsNode('/India/city[string[1] = "ADI"]') = 1;

Oracle - Extract XML nodes values into a list with semicolon as separators

You can use:

FROM table_name t
value VARCHAR2(3) PATH './text()'
) x

Which, for your sample data:

CREATE TABLE table_name ( xml ) AS
SELECT '<Parameter>
</Parameter>' FROM DUAL;

Which outputs:


How to extract value of all the child nodes of a specific node (provided through input parameter) from XMLType Column in Oracle

You could manipulate the XML inside an XPath with FLWOR syntax, but you could also use XMLTable to extract all the values; or rather, two XMLTables, one for a singleton element type and a second optional one for array expansion; get all the values as strings; and aggregate the results together:

select a.id,
listagg(coalesce(x1.value, x2.value), ' ')
within group (order by coalesce(x1.n, x2.n)) as result
from a
cross apply xmltable (
passing xmltype(col1), 'ConstantInputProperties' as "var1"
n for ordinality,
value varchar2(30) path 'Value[@xsi:type="xsd:int"]',
array xmltype path 'Value[fn:starts-with(@xsi:type, "ArrayOf")]'
) x1
outer apply xmltable (
passing array
n for ordinality,
value varchar2(30) path '.'
) x2
group by a.id;

-: | :-----------------------
1 | 0
2 | 0 1
3 | true true true true true
4 | 1.0000000000


The n for ordinality just gives a numeric value that lets you keep the original sub-element order when aggregating (so you get 0 1 and not 1 0), If you don't want a spaces added to to the aggregated value then just change the second listagg argument from ' ' to null, though then you can't sell the difference between a singleton 10 and a pair of values with 1 and 0, so that doesn't seem very useful - not that an aggregated value seems that useful anyway really.

You could split into multiple sub-XMLTables, but that's probably not going to gain you anything here; db<>fiddle for info though.

can you suggest how to pass the ConstantInputProperties value as an argument and use it as a variable in function input in this case EXTRACT(XMLTYPE(col1), '(/[local-name()="ConstantInputProperties"]//text())')

The extract() function is deprecated. Use XMLQuery instead; for example:

select xmlquery(
passing xmltype(col1), 'ConstantInputProperties' as "var1"
returning content)
from a

How to get all the child nodes of an xml data based on parent node in Oracle PLSQL

EXTRACT is deprecated. Use XMLQUERY (or XMLTABLE):

).getClobVal() AS child_nodes
FROM table_name

Which, for the sample data:

CREATE TABLE table_name (value CLOB);

INSERT INTO table_name (value) VALUES (
1 rows affected


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