Why Postgres Is Not Using the Index in My Query

Why this query is not using index only scan in postgresql

autovacuum is not running

PostgreSQL index-only scans require some information about which rows are "visible" to current transactions - i.e. not deleted, not old versions of updated rows, and not uncommitted inserts or new versions of updates.

This information is kept in the "visibility map".

The visibility map is maintained by VACUUM, usually in the background by autovacuum workers.

If autovacuum is not keeping up with write activity well, or if autovacuum has been disabled, then index-only scans probably won't be used because PostgreSQL will see that the visibility map does not have data for enough of the table.

Turn autovaccum back on. Then manually VACUUM the table to get it up to date immediately.

BTW, in addition to visibility map information, autoVACUUM can also write hint-bit information that can make SELECTs of recently inserted/updated data faster.

Autovacuum also maintains table statistics that are vital for effective query planning. Turning it off will result in the planner using increasingly stale information.

It is also absolutely vital for preventing an issue called transaction-ID wrap-around, which is an emergency condition that can cause the whole database to go into emergency shut-down until a time-consuming whole-table VACUUM is performed.

Do not turn autovacuum off.

As for why it's sometimes using an index-only scan and sometimes not, a few possibilities:

  • The current random_page_cost setting makes it think that random I/O will be slower than it really is, so it tries harder to avoid it;

  • The table statistics, especially the limit values, are outdated. So it doesn't realise that there's a good chance the value being looked for will be discovered quickly in an index-only scan;

  • The visibility map is outdated, so it thinks an index-only scan will find too many values that will require heap fetches to check, making it slower than other methods especially if it thinks the proportion of values likely to be found is high.

Most of these issues are fixed by leaving autovacuum alone. In fact, on frequently appended tables you should set autovacuum to run much more often than the default so it updates the limit statistics more. (Doing that helps work around PostgreSQL's planner issues with tables where the most frequently queried data is the most recently inserted with an incrementing ID or timestamp that means the most-desired values are never in the table histograms and limit stats).

Go turn autovacuum back on - then turn it up.

Why is Postgres not using my index on a simple ORDER BY LIMIT 1?

There is always a tradeoff, because making the optimizer smarter also means making the optimizer slower, which hurts everybody.

Currently, it isn't smart enough, so you'll have to change the index definition or the query to get it to work.

It might be worth asking for such an improvement on the pgsql-hackers mailing list or write a patch for it yourself and submit it there.

PostgreSQL query not using index in production


I have used PostgreSQL very little. I'm answering based on my knowledge of SQL Server index usage and execution plans. I ask the PostgreSQL gods for mercy if I get something wrong.

Query Optimizers are Dynamic

You said your query plan has changed from your development to production environments. This is to be expected. Query optimizers are designed to generate the optimum execution plan based on the current data conditions. Under different conditions the optimizer may decide it is more efficient to use a table scan vs an index scan.

When would it be more efficient to use a table scan vs an index scan?

FROM someTable

Let's say you have a non-clustered index on column A. In this case you are filtering on column A, which could potentially take advantage of the index. This would be efficient if the index is selective enough - basically, how many distinct values make up the index? The database keeps statistics on this selectivity info and uses these statistics when calculating costs for execution plans.

If you have a million rows in a table, but only 10 possible values for A, then your query would likely return about 100K rows. Because the index is non-clustered, and you are returning columns not included in the index, B, a lookup will need to be performed for each row returned. These look-ups are random-access lookups which are much more expensive then sequential reads used by a table scan. At a certain point it becomes more efficient for the database to just perform a table scan rather than an index scan.

This is just one scenario, there are many others. It's hard to know without knowing more about what your data is like, what your indexes look like and how you are trying to access the data.

To answer the original question:

Would PostgreSQL abstain from using indexes if they (or the table) are too big? No. It is more likely that in the way that you are accessing the data, it is less efficient for PostgreSQL to use the index vs using a table scan.

The PostgreSQL FAQ touches on this very subject (see: Why are my queries slow? Why don't they use my indexes?): https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/FAQ#Why_are_my_queries_slow.3F_Why_don.27t_they_use_my_indexes.3F

How to make postgres not use a particular index?

You can probably disable the index by doing some dummy arithmetic on the indexed column.

 ...AND "chaindata_tokentransfer"."chain_id" + 0 = 1...

If you put that into production, make sure to add a code comment on why you are doing such an odd thing.

I'm curious why it chooses to use that index, despite apparently knowing how astonishingly awful it is. If you show the plan for the query with the index disabled, maybe we could figure that out.

If the dummy arithmetic doesn't work, what you could do is start a transaction, drop the index, execute the query (or the just the EXPLAIN of it), then rollback the drop. That is probably not something you want to do often in production (especially since the table will be locked from when the index is dropped until the rollback. Also because you might accidentally commit!) but getting the plan is probably worth doing it once.

Why does this simple query not use the index in postgres?

It is a very good thing, that SeqScan is used here. Your OFFSET 100000 is not a good thing for the IndexScan.

A bit of theory

Btree indexes contain 2 structures inside:

  1. balanced tree and
  2. double-linked list of keys.

First structure allows for fast keys lookups, second is responsible for the ordering. For bigger tables, linked list cannot fit into a single page and therefore it is a list of linked pages, where each page's entries maintain ordering, specified during index creation.

It is wrong to think, though, that such pages are sitting together on the disk. In fact, it is more probable that those are spread across different locations. And in order to read pages based on the index's order, system has to perform random disk reads. Random disk IO is expensive, compared to sequential access. Therefore good optimizer will prefer a SeqScan instead.

I highly recommend “SQL Performance Explained” book to better understand indexes. It is also available on-line.

What is going on?

Your OFFSET clause would cause database to read index's linked list of keys (causing lots of random disk reads) and than discarding all those results, till you hit the wanted offset. And it is good, in fact, that Postgres decided to use SeqScan + Sort here — this should be faster.

You can check this assumption by:

  • running EXPLAIN (analyze, buffers) of your big-OFFSET query
  • than do SET enable_seqscan TO 'off';
  • and run EXPLAIN (analyze, buffers) again, comparing the results.

In general, it is better to avoid OFFSET, as DBMSes not always pick the right approach here. (BTW, which version of PostgreSQL you're using?)
Here's a comparison of how it performs for different offset values.

EDIT: In order to avoid OFFSET one would have to base pagination on the real data, that exists in the table and is a part of the index. For this particular case, the following might be possible:

  • show first N (say, 20) elements
  • include maximal date_touched that is shown on the page to all the “Next” links. You can compute this value on the application side. Do similar for the “Previous” links, except include minimal date_touch for these.
  • on the server side you will get the limiting value. Therefore, say for the “Next” case, you can do a query like this:
FROM product
WHERE date_touched > $max_date_seen_on_the_page
ORDER BY date_touched ASC

This query makes best use of the index.

Of course, you can adjust this example to your needs. I used pagination as it is a typical case for the OFFSET.

One more note — querying 1 row many times, increasing offset for each query by 1, will be much more time consuming, than doing a single batch query that returns all those records, which are then iterated from on the application side.

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