What's the Escape Sequence for Hyphen (-) in Postgresql

what's the escape sequence for hyphen (-) in PostgreSQL

Double quotes should do it. But you'll have to always use the quoted-identifier everywhere you reference the database.


escape hyphen in a bash postgresql psql command line

The "quoting hell" can be somehow alleviated by providing the SQL in standard input as a here-string.

In your case I think this should do the job:

for i in db1 db2 db1-db2; do su - postgres -c "(psql <<EOF
alter database \"$i\" with connection limit = 0;
)"; done

How do I deal with SQL tablenames with hyphen (-) when writing raw queries? i.e project-users

According to http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/sql-syntax-lexical.html, you should use double quotes.

In your case, for PostgreSQL the query should be:

SELECT * FROM "project-users";

It is good practice to avoid the use of characters that need escaping or that contain spaces in identifiers.

postgres how to refer to table names with minus signs

Use double-quotes:

select * from "v-water-a" limit 1;

Documentation: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-syntax-lexical.html

valid characters in Postgres Ltree label in utf8 charset

Sorry for not updating the answer.

Yes, i have finally figured out that it is one of our DBA that changed the source of ltree and recompile it with supporting the dash(-) char. We have a single table with more than 6B records.

PostgreSQL LIKE operator doesn't match hyphen

That pattern would not match because there is no space before [---]is Ambraam. There is a space in your pattern, between the % and [ characters, and it's requiring that space to be in your data. Try LIKE '%[---]is Abraam %'.

Rails - copy a Table from one schema to another schema in same database

Need to delimit the identifier when including a dash (hyphen) in a schema or table name. Updating your query to...

"INSERT INTO \"#{app_name}.#{table}" SELECT * FROM \"#{ENV['ADMIN_TENANT']}.#{table}\";"

Should do the trick.

See... what's the escape sequence for hyphen (-) in PostgreSQL

Though it might be a better practice to just exclude the hyphen from names to begin with.

PostgreSQL - how to drop a user with hyphen in his username

Identifiers need to be quoted using double quotes, single quotes are for string literals:

DROP USER "user-name";

More details in the manual: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-IDENTIFIERS

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