Use Plink to Execute Command (Oracle SQL Query) on Remote Server Over Ssh

Execute commands on remote server behind another server (jumphost) using Plink

Better solution is using Plink's -proxycmd:

plink -ssh anotherIP -pw passwordForAnotherIP -no-antispoof -proxycmd "plink -ssh hostname@ipaddress -pw password -nc anotherIP:22" -m C:\commands.txt

With the commands.txt containing only the:

cd /tmp
cat filename

To answer your literal question:

The OpenSSH ssh has no -pw switch. See Automatically enter SSH password with script.

Additionally, your command.txt won't do what you think anyway. It won't run the cd and cat within the ssh. It would run them after the ssh. So on the ipaddress. How to do this properly is discussed in: Entering password to remote ssh through Plink after establishing a connection.

How can I connect to Oracle Database 11g server through ssh tunnel chain (double tunnel, server in company network)?

Yes, it's possible. E.g. on Linux, run

ssh -N -Llocalport:dbserver:dbport yourname@connectionserver


  • localport is the port on your machine which will be forwarded (can be 1521 if there is no local instance of oracle running)
  • dbserver is the name or IP of the database server
  • dbport is the port of the database (usually 1521)
  • yourname is the login on the connectionserver
  • connectionserver is the machine where you have ssh access

The same can be done on Windows using Plink (which comes with Putty):

plink -N -L localport:dbserver:dbport yourname@connectionserver

Do this on both machines (your local machine and the server you have access to) to chain the ssh tunnels. Example:

Connection server (assuming Linux):

ssh -N -L1521:dbserver:1521 dblogin@dbserver

Your PC:

plink -N -L 1521:connectionserver:1521 connlogin@connectionserver

The tnsnames.ora entry must look like you are running a local database, e.g.

prodoverssh =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))

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