Sqlite - Replace Part of a String

SQLite - replace part of a string

You can use the built in replace() function to perform a string replace in a query.

Other string manipulation functions (and more) are detailed in the SQLite core functions list

The following should point you in the right direction.

UPDATE table SET field = replace( field, 'C:\afolder\', 'C:\anewfolder\' ) WHERE field LIKE 'C:\afolder\%';

SQLite: replace part of a string with another one

You can use replace function

 UPDATE table SET tel= replace( tel, '0511', '0513' ) WHERE tel LIKE '0511%';

Check the SQLite core functions here

In case you have a match after the first 4 digits of your tel number.
For example 051121505113

  UPDATE table SET tel= replace(substr(tel,1,5), '0511', '0513' )||substr(tel,5) 
WHERE tel LIKE '0511%';

Android SQLite - replace part of a string safely

Use bind variables. Simply place a ? where you have a variable, and pass an array of parmaeters, in order, to the rawQuery function.

You should NEVER use concatenation like you did above. Use bind variables everywhere. Anything user input should be in the bind variable, anything constant should be in the query. That eliminates all possible SQL injection.

How to replace part of column String SQLite3 with Python

The problem here is you are printing the first column which is English whereas the replacement is actually happening in the second column of your resultset.

if you update the following line to look for index 1 instead of 0, you'll get the correct results.

for row in records:
print(row[1]) # print the second column defined by your replace function.

However, it is still not going to update the actual data in the database because SELECT only queries the data and REPLACE is performed on the queried copy of the data. To update the data in your database, you need to perform the UPDATE operation on the database column.

English = REPLACE(English,'"','"');

What is the SQLite query to replace a string of characters with another string that includes a line break?

Use the concatenation operator || with the function CHAR() and don't wrap the function inside the single quotes:

UPDATE [Slovník]
SET Note = replace(Note, '); "', ')' || CHAR(13) || '"')
WHERE Phrase = 1

It's better to use this WHERE clause:

WHERE   Phrase = 1 AND Note LIKE '%); "%'

to avoid unnecessary updates for the rows that do not contain '); "'.

sqlite replace() function to perform a string replace

Just add a comma to all occurrences of 0.:

               replace(TheColumn, '0.', ',0.')

then remove the duplicates:

       replace(replace(TheColumn, '0.', ',0.'), ',,', ',')

and the comma at the beginning:

substr(replace(replace(TheColumn, '0.', ',0.'), ',,', ','), 2)

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