SQL Use Case Statement in Where in Clause

SQL use CASE statement in WHERE IN clause

No you can't use case and in like this. But you can do

SELECT * FROM Product P    
WHERE @Status='published' and P.Status IN (1,3)
or @Status='standby' and P.Status IN (2,5,9,6)
or @Status='deleted' and P.Status IN (4,5,8,10)
or P.Status IN (1,3)

BTW you can reduce that to

SELECT * FROM Product P    
WHERE @Status='standby' and P.Status IN (2,5,9,6)
or @Status='deleted' and P.Status IN (4,5,8,10)
or P.Status IN (1,3)

since or P.Status IN (1,3) gives you also all records of @Status='published' and P.Status IN (1,3)

using case statement in a where clause

The branches of a case expression can only return values, not additional expressions to be evaluated in the where condition. You could, however, simulate this behavior with the and and or logical operators:

select    *
from ##ScheduleDetail SD
left join ##HolidayFilterTbl HF on SD.Scheduledate = HF.Testdate
where (ScheduleDate = testdate) and
((HF.IsHoliday = 1 and overtime = 1 and makeup = 0) or
(overtime = 0 and Makeup = 0)) and
DOW = 5
order by ActivityStartTime

Note that you have makeup = 0 on both branches of the case expression in the question (or both sides of the or in the answer), so you could extract it out of it and simplify the condition a bit:

select    *
from ##ScheduleDetail SD
left join ##HolidayFilterTbl HF on SD.Scheduledate = HF.Testdate
where ScheduleDate = testdate and
makeup = 0 and
((HF.IsHoliday = 1 and overtime = 1) or
overtime = 0) and
DOW = 5
order by ActivityStartTime

How to use CASE statement inside a WHERE with an IN clause?

You could solve this by using OR instead of CASE:

FROM table
WHERE (@showListedOrSold = 0 AND id IN (1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11))
OR (@showListedOrSold = 1 AND id IN (1, 5, 6, 10, 11))
OR (@showListedOrSold = 2 AND id IN (2))

Using CASE Statement inside IN Clause

CASE returns a scalar value only. You can do this instead. (I am assuming, as per your example, that when @StatusID = 99, a StatusID value of 99 is not a match.)

select *
from MyTable
where (@StatusID = 99 and StatusID in (5, 11, 13))
or (@StatusID <> 99 and StatusID = @StatusID)

Using Case statement in Where clause in Oracle SQL

Your question is a bit ambiguous. I have assumed that country is an attribute in the table employees of data type VARCHAR.

SELECT * FROM employees
(emp_id = v_emp_id AND country = 'USA')
OR (emp_id <= v_emp_id AND country != 'USA')

You might want to take a look at WHERE, OR and AND.

Quoting the OR page linked above:

If you use multiple logical operators in a statement, Oracle evaluates the OR operators after the NOT and AND operators. However, you can change the order of evaluation by using parentheses.

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