SQL - Use a Reference of a Cte to Another Cte

SQL - Use a reference of a CTE to another CTE

Here are three important properties of CTEs:

  • You can refer to a CTE in subsequent CTEs or in the main body of the query.

  • You can refer to any given CTE multiple times.

  • The CTE can be used in a from clause at any level of nesting within other subqueries.

The CTEs -- as with everything in SQL -- need to be defined before they are used. So, you cannot define them in random order.

This is the standard definition of CTEs and does a good job of explaining how they are used across databases. Those three properties are key ways that they differ from subqueries.

How to create CTE which uses another CTE as the data to further limit?

You can chain 2 (or more) CTE's together.

For example

with ObjectsWithA as
select * from sys.objects
where name like '%A%'
ObjectsWithALessThan100 as
select * from ObjectsWithA
where object_id < 100
select * from ObjectsWithALessThan100;

Or the same example, with more "spelled out" names/aliases:

with ObjectsWithA (MyObjectId , MyObjectName) as
select object_id as MyObjIdAlias , name as MyNameAlias
from sys.objects
where name like '%A%'
ObjectsWithALessThan100 as
select * from ObjectsWithA theOtherCte
where theOtherCte.MyObjectId < 100
select lessThan100Alias.MyObjectId , lessThan100Alias.MyObjectName
from ObjectsWithALessThan100 lessThan100Alias
order by lessThan100Alias.MyObjectName;

Call one CTE in another CTE

You have to join both like with a normal table:

WITH cte1 
AS (SELECT city.*
FROM city
WHERE ( city.cityname COLLATE sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_ai ) LIKE
'são paulo'),
AS (SELECT imovel.imovel_id
FROM imovel
ON imovel.city_id = cte1.city_id
WHERE imovel.number = 311
AND imovel.zipcode = '30280490'
AND imovel.complement = ''
AND imovel.street = 'Do furquim')

Note that i have appended SELECT * FROM cte2 since CTE's cannot "stand" alone.

How can I add the outputs of one CTE to another CTE?

Have you overcomplicated your code? Why do you traverse the hierarchy at all? Surely if you intend to delete "a" when "b" reports to "a" and "c" reports to "b", you don't intend to do anything to "c". You only need to change those reporting directly to "a" ("b" in this case). If so, you don't need CTEs to traverse the hierarchy. You have also learned bad habits and have chosen strange naming standards.

Just check for the existence of @empId1 (a generic name that does not provide any clues about how it is used - see what I mean by naming standards?) as a supervisor first and "move" (not "add") those rows to the other user parameter @empId2. In short:

update t_employee set Super_ssn = @empId2
where Super_ssn = @empId1;

delete t_employee where Ssn = @empId1;

That is all the code you need at a very basic level. Add whatever error handling you wish, perhaps some sanity checking of the parameter values, and perhaps check for existence before the update. Use of two part names (schema.table) is a best practice to develop.

How to use the results of a CTE query inside another query

Do you just mean this:

;with test_cte(id,name) as
select id,name from dbo.test
delete test_cte where name='john';

Do you want to delete rows and show the rows you deleted?

;with test_cte(id,name) as
select id,name from dbo.test
delete test_cte
output deleted.id, deleted.name
where name='john';
  • Example db<>fiddle

To take your explicit example:

delete from test
where id in (
with test_cte (id,name) as (
select id, name
from test
select id
from test_cte
where name = 'john'

You're getting a syntax error because, well, there's an error in your syntax. CTE must be defined up front, not in any random or arbitrary point in your query.

;with test_cte (id,name) as (
select id, name
from test
delete from test
where id in (
select id
from test_cte
where name = 'john'

But this still seems awfully over-complicated compared to the simpler examples I've shown.

CTE within a CTE

You can't nest CTEs like that in SQL Server but you can use multiple CTEs the following way:

;with test as 
from #main
where startofdistribution = '2011-06-14 00:00:00.000'
and SRnum = '313'
--order by SRnum, gamenumber, StartOfDistribution, ApplicationNumber
outertest as
,count(*) as RetailerAppearance
from test
group by ApplicationNumber
having count(*) = 4
select count(*)
from outertest

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