SQL Insert into Database with Apostrophe

Way to insert text having ' (apostrophe) into a SQL table

In SQL, the way to do this is to double the apostrophe:

'he doesn''t work for me'

However, if you are doing this programmatically, you should use an API that accepts parameters and escapes them for you automatically. Programmatically escaping and using string concatenation to assemble a query yourself is a sure way to end up with SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Her daughter is named Help I'm trapped in a driver's license factory.

How to insert a value that contains an apostrophe (single quote)?

Escape the apostrophe (i.e. double-up the single quote character) in your SQL:

(First, Last)
('Joe', 'O''Brien')
right here

The same applies to SELECT queries:

SELECT First, Last FROM Person WHERE Last = 'O''Brien'

The apostrophe, or single quote, is a special character in SQL that specifies the beginning and end of string data. This means that to use it as part of your literal string data you need to escape the special character. With a single quote this is typically accomplished by doubling your quote. (Two single quote characters, not double-quote instead of a single quote.)

Note: You should only ever worry about this issue when you manually edit data via a raw SQL interface since writing queries outside of development and testing should be a rare occurrence. In code there are techniques and frameworks (depending on your stack) that take care of escaping special characters, SQL injection, etc.

How to properly add apostrophes into a mySQL INSERT command

PHP How to replace customers text area apostrophes with a escape character

$lastname  = "O'Reilly";
$_lastname = mysqli_real_escape_string($lastname);

$query = "SELECT * FROM actors WHERE last_name = '$_lastname'";

SQL insert into database with apostrophe

Replace isn't the way to go here, you are already using a ADODB.Command object so why not use a parameterised query.

Try this;

As you haven't provided information on your field types I can only speculate so instead I've added [datatype] and [size] placeholders for you to replace with ADO data type constants. A good resource for how data types in T-SQL map to ado is this article - Data Type Mapping

sql = ""
sql = sql & "INSERT INTO dbo.Jobs (" & vbCrLf
sql = sql & "JobID, CompanyName, DateReceived, DateOfDocument, ClientReference" & vbCrLf
sql = sql & ", Subject, TypeOfService,DueDate,AssignedAgent, ClientName, Plaintiff" & vbCrLf
sql = sql & ", Defendant1, Defendant2, Defendant3, CourtJurisdiction, Court" & vbCrLf
sql = sql & ", Subtype, CourtNumber, Amount, ServiceMethod, JobNotes, JobStatus" & vbCrLf
sql = sql & ", CreatedBy, CreatedDate" & vbCrLf
sql = sql & ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"

With CreateJob
.ActiveConnection = "yourconnectionstring"
.CommandType = adCmdText
.CommandText = sql
'Add your parameters (all 24 of them in order)
'Assumed JobID is int which equates to adInteger ADO data type constant.
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@JobID", adInteger, adParamInput, 4))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@CompanyName", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@DateReceived", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@DateOfDocument", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@ClientReference", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@Subject", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@TypeOfService", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@DueDate", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@AssignedAgent", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@ClientName", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@Plaintiff", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@Defendant1", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@Defendant2", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@Defendant3", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@CourtJurisdiction", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@Court", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@Subtype", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@CourtNumber", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@Amount", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@ServiceMethod", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@JobNotes", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@JobStatus", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@CreatedBy", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@CreatedDate", [datatype], adParamInput, [size]))

'Specify your parameter values may need some conversion based on what you are passing.
.Parameters("@JobId").Value = Request.QueryString("jobid")
'Add the other 23 parameters as the above line.

'Doing an INSERT no need to return recordset
Call .Execute(adExecuteNoRecords)
End With
Set CreateJob = Nothing

How to Insert Data in Database if it has Quotes or apostrophe

You need to replace the single quotes with 2 single quotes to escape the single quote

string Address = txtAddress.Text;
Address = Address.Replace("'","''");

INSERT INTO with embedded apostrophe

you can replace that apostrophe with an double apostrophe, which is the standard SQL escape sequence for '

simply do that whith the following snippet:

+  "'" + _field[x].replaceAll("'", "''") + "', "    

You could also use " instead of ' in your sql statement like the following:

+  "\"" + _field[x] + "\", "

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