SQL Code to Insert Multiple Rows in Ms-Access Table

Insert multiple rows using one insert statement in Access 2010

For SQL-Server: Yes, and it can exactly like you write. Just be certain that the column values are in the same order as they appear in the table. Also: you must supply a value for each existing column.

For Access 2010: No. At least not by hardcoded values in the sql, but only by selecting multiple records from a table (in the same or in another database). See also the link in the answer of Khepri.

inserting multiple rows with 1 query

With Access SQL you can't combine two INSERT statements. You could run each of them separately. But if you need to do it with a single statement, you will need to use a more complex query.

SELECT '1','b','c'
SELECT '2','d','e'
FROM Dual;

Dual is a custom table designed to always contain only one row. You can create your own Dual table using the instructions from this Stack Overflow answer.

However, you don't actually need a custom table for this purpose. Instead of Dual, you can use any table or query which returns only one row.

SQL code to insert multiple rows in ms-access table

I found an elegant solution within R, (the software I'm working with). The RODBC package has a function sqlSave which allow to append and entire data.frame at once to a table. This works almost twice as fast as individual inserts within a transaction.

MDB <- odbcConnectAccess("database.mdb")
sqlSave(channel = MDB, dat = sims, tablename = "tblSimulation", append = TRUE, rownames = FALSE)

MS Access insert multiple rows

INSERT INTO syt_abrdat (id,begindat,einddat,periode,groep) 
(SELECT TOP 1 1 AS id, 9999 AS begindat, 9999 as einddat, '---' as periode, 'WAAR' as groep FROM onerow UNION ALL
SELECT TOP 1 2 AS id, 9999 AS begindat, 9999 as einddat, 'XXX' as periode, 'WAAR' as groep FROM onerow)


  • Use single quotes for literal string values
  • Do not use quotes for literal numbers
  • the table onerow must contain at least 1 record

Access SQL - Insert multiple rows wont work

The link you have given already state that you CANNOT do

insert into foo (c1, c2, c3)
values ("v1a", "v2a", "v3a"),
("v1b", "v2b", "v3b"),
("v1c", "v2c", "v3c")

Which is exactly the way you are doing it now.


FROM (select top 1 "101" AS EMP_NUM, "News" AS EMP_LNAME, "John" AS EMP_FNAME, "G" AS EMP_INITIAL, "08-Nov-00" AS EMP_HIREDATE, "502" AS JOB_CODE from onerow
union all
select top 1 "102" AS EMP_NUM, "Senior" AS EMP_LNAME, "David" AS EMP_FNAME, "H" AS EMP_INITIAL, "12-Jul-89" AS EMP_HIREDATE, "501" AS JOB_CODE from onerow)

I am not sure about MS-Access SQLs. But " is differ from ' in SQL. It seems that the link you give uses " as the answer. Why not give it a try? But generally ' should be used for string values.

insert multiple rows with one query using ms access db

Most databases are able to do all this work much more efficiently entirely in the database. Certainly in SQL Server I could get entire thing down to a single query. Access is a little different, since vbscript is its procedural language, rather than something more like t-sql. There's still probably a way to do it, but since what you have works, we can at least focus on making that better.

GridViews are visual constructs that will use up extra memory and resources. If Access won't do a real INSERT/SELECT, you can at least read direct from the previous result set into your insert. You can also improve on this significantly by using parameters and re-using a single open connection for all the inserts:

Dim cnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Shantara Production IT.mdb"
Dim SQLDown As String = _
FROM ([KN - ProductionOrderHeader] AS POH
INNER Join [FG - End Product Codes] AS EPC
On POH.ProductID = EPC.ProductID)
INNER Join([KN - ProductionOrderDetails] AS POD
INNER Join [FG - Style Size Comp Def Details] AS SSCDD
On (POH.BatchNo = POD.BatchNo)
And (EPC.StyleID = SSCDD.StyleID)
WHERE POH.BatchNo = ? "
Dim SQLUp As String = _
" INSERT INTO [KN - ProductionMachineAllocation]
(BatchNo, ComponentID)
VALUES( ?, ? )"

Dim dt As New DataTable
Using con As New OleDbConnection(cnString), _
cmd As New OleDbCommand(SQLDown, con)

'Guessing at parameter type/length here.
'Use the actual column type and size from your DB
cmd.Parameters.Add("@BatchNo", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10).Value = BatchNo

End Using

Using con As New OleDbConnection(cnString), _
cmd As New OleDbCommand(SqlUp, con)

'Guessing at parameter types/lengths again
cmd.Parameters.Add("@BatchNo", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ComponentID", OleDbType.Integer)

'Connection is managed *outside of the loop*. Only one object created, only one negotiation with DB
For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
cmd.Parameters(0).Value = row(0)
cmd.Parameters(1).Value = row(1)
End Using

Normally, with any ADO.Net provider you do not re-use your connection or command objects. You want a new connection object for every query sent to the DB to allow connection pooling to work correctly. Using the connection in a tight loop like this for the same query is one of the few exceptions.

I might be able to improve further by sticking with the active DataReader, rather than first loading it into a DataTable. That would allow us to avoid loading the entire result set into memory. You would only ever need one record in memory at a time. Certainly this would work for Sql Server. However, Access was designed mainly as a single-user database. It doesn't really like multiple active connections at once, and I'm not sure how it would respond.

It would also be nice to be able to do all of this work in a transactional way, where there's never any risk of it failing part way through the loop and getting stuck with half the updates. Sql Server would handle this via a single INSERT/SELECT query or with an explicit transaction. But, again, this isn't the kind of the Access is designed for. It probably does have a way to do this, but I'm not familiar with it.

MS Access: How to add multiple rows to table within 1 query

I think you can do what you need with a fairly simple VBA procedure.

For example, to load 1000 rows into my "Table3" with False stored in the field named "bool_field", I can call the procedure below like this ...

AddRows "Table3", "bool_field", False, 1000

That table's other field is AutoNumber type, so the db engine takes care of its value.

Public Sub AddRows(ByVal pTable As String, _
ByVal pField As String, _
ByVal pValue As Variant, _
ByVal pHowMany As Long)

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Long
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(pTable, , dbAppendOnly)
With rs
For i = 1 To pHowMany
.Fields(pField).Value = pValue
End With
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub

If you prefer a query-based approach, you could execute an INSERT as many times as required within the For i = 1 To pHowMany section.

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