Script Entire Database SQL-Server

Script entire database SQL-Server

From Management Studio
Right-click on your database.
Tasks -> Generate Scripts.

That should do it.

Script all data from SQL Server database

You could use the free SSMS Toolpack add-in for SQL Server Management Studio.

See the section on Generate Insert statements from resultsets, tables or database

Update: OK, for SSMS Toolpack in SSMS 2012, a licensing scheme has been introduced. SSMS Toolpack for earlier versions of SSMS are however still free.

How to Generate Scripts For All Triggers in Database Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Database-> Tasks-> Generate Scripts -> Next -> Next

On Choose Script Options UI, under Table/View Options Heading, set Script Triggers to True.

Sample Image

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Is there a way to generate a database script for all the tables and data inside our local sql express

  1. Object Explorer | Select your DB | Open conext menu | Select Tasks | Generate Scripts.
  2. Choose options in Advanced
    Sample Image

Is there any way to generate database scripts from a SQL query in SQL Server?

Follow the complete steps to generate script with data.

Sample Image

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Sample Image

how to generate a script for the entire database

This is indeed because you didn't name your constraints, so the second time it attempts to drop the old name then add an additional constraint.

The first time you run the script it checks for a default constraint called DF__LookupCol__IsPri__46DD686B, which of course does not exist.

Then it runs

ALTER TABLE [cfg].[LookupColumns] ADD DEFAULT (CONVERT([bit],(0))) FOR [IsPrimaryKey]

Which creates a new constraint with a new auto-generated name. Next time you run the script, it tries to drop DF__LookupCol__IsPri__46DD686B again, which still doesn't exist, and then tries to add a new constraint, which fails.

So to be able to re-run this script, you should name all your constraints and indexes before generating the scripts.

You can find the system-named default constraints like this:

select name, object_name(object_id) table_name 
from sys.default_constraints
where is_system_named = 1

select name, object_name(object_id) table_name
from sys.check_constraints
where is_system_named = 1

select name, object_name(object_id) table_name
from sys.key_constraints
where is_system_named = 1


Or you can look for the __ in the names, but you would want to manually review those of course.

Create SQL script that create database and tables

In SQL Server Management Studio you can right click on the database you want to replicate, and select "Script Database as" to have the tool create the appropriate SQL file to replicate that database on another server. You can repeat this process for each table you want to create, and then merge the files into a single SQL file. Don't forget to add a using statement after you create your Database but prior to any table creation.

In more recent versions of SQL Server you can get this in one file in SSMS.

  1. Right click a database.
  2. Tasks
  3. Generate Scripts

This will launch a wizard where you can script the entire database or just portions. There does not appear to be a T-SQL way of doing this.

Generate SQL Server Scripts

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