Rake Task to Truncate All Tables in Rails 3

Rake task to truncate all tables in Rails 3

I've found this via google, and then I got a much simpler solution than the one approved, so here it is: Use the database_cleaner gem. Here're the steps.

In your Gemfile (execute bundle after modifying):

gem 'database_cleaner' # you might want to limit this to the dev and staging group

With that gem in place, the statement DatabaseCleaner.clean_with :truncation will truncate the database. Adding it to a rake task is trivial:

# tasks/db/clean.rake

namespace :db do

desc "Truncate all existing data"
task :truncate => "db:load_config" do
DatabaseCleaner.clean_with :truncation


That's it. You can also use the DatabaseCleaner.clean_with :truncation line inside your db/seeds.rb file directly so that you don't forget to truncate the database before seeding.

rake db:reset Drop all tables but not database

This is the solution I eventually came up with after looking at the Truncate method.

namespace :db do
desc "Erase all tables"
task :clear => :environment do
conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
tables = conn.tables
tables.each do |table|
puts "Deleting #{table}"

How to delete all data from all tables in Rails?

rake db:reset 

It recreates your table from migrations.

As suggested in the comments, a faster way to do it (but you have to add a new rake task) is:

namespace :db do
desc "Truncate all tables"
task :truncate => :environment do
conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
tables = conn.execute("show tables").map { |r| r[0] }
tables.delete "schema_migrations"
tables.each { |t| conn.execute("TRUNCATE #{t}") }

Response copied from: answer on SO.

Delete all records from all tables in database using seeds.rb

Is there a command that does exactly what I want: deletes all the
records from all the tables?

bundle exec rake db:reset

This is functionally equivalent to rake db:drop db:setup.

Don't want delete the tables?

[Blog, Person, Post, User, Author, Book].each do |table|
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("TRUNCATE #{table.table_name}")


Rails Rake Task drop table and import from csv

Try by truncating the table by running a custom sql command:

namespace :csvimportproducts do

desc "Import Products CSV Data."
task :import_products_csv_data => :environment do

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE products")

require 'csv'
csv_file_path = '/home/jay/workspace/db/import_tables/products.csv'
CSV.foreach(csv_file_path) do |row|
p = Product.create!({
:product_id => row[0],
:product_name => row[1],

Want to re-create table when running rake db:seed

 rake db:reset

may be what you are looking for. or...

 rake db:drop
rake db:create

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