Rails Database Boolean Values

How to define boolean field for a rails migration

Yes, you can use :boolean for this, and yes it will also save database space.

Rails database boolean values

I believe that you might be looking for ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quoted_true

This returns native boolean values in quotes, e.g. '1' for SQL Server or MySQL, and 't' for PostgreSQL or SQLite

ruby on rails: true button to boolean datatype in database?

Since you want to have button and not a checkbox for the boolean field, you can have a checkbox which is styled like a button.


and then

<%= f.check_box :recommend %>

Allow a default false boolean from database to change once button is clicked

I know I'm going to have to make a form that will do a POST/PATCH
request but i'm unsure on how to change that value.

You don't need a form here. As you are just trying to update a model instance with a button click, you just need a link_to with a route that is defined to perform this action. Considering your model is Request,the below should work

<%= link_to "Accept", accept_request_path(request) %>

Where request is the instance which need to be updated.

patch /requests/:id/accept, to: requests#accept, as: :accept_request

or if you want a resourceful route, you can do

resources :requests do
patch 'accept', on: :member

And in the requests_controller have a accept method with below code

def accept
@request = Request.find(params[:id])
@request.update_attribute(accepted: true)

Displaying boolean values from database in the view with Rails

This can be achieved by using a helper. The first argument after the "?" is the true case; the false case follows the ":".

The example below uses glyphicons, since you mentioned wanting a check mark, but you could insert "Yes" and "No" or any string or html you desire.

def bool_to_glyph(value)
value ? "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok' aria-hidden='true'></span>".html_safe : "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove' aria-hidden='true'></span>".html_safe"

To display the result, invoke in your view as

<%= bool_to_glyph(table_boolean_value) %>

Note: For a simple string display, like "yes" and "no" you do not need to invoke html_safe.

value ? "yes" : "no"

Edited: Helper methods

Helper methods are included under app/helpers/[modelnameplural]_helper.rb

module ExamplesHelper

def bool_to_glyph(value)
value ? "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok' aria-hidden='true'></span>".html_safe : "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove' aria-hidden='true'></span>".html_safe"


If you want the helper to be available to all controllers, add the method to the application_helper.rb.

Rails and MySQL: Wrong interpretation of boolean values

Figured it out! I didn't restart the application after this change which caused the issue described above.

A fine example of "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
It was a long day...

How to update boolean value in rails

Please try this to update:

runn = Runn.find_by_id(1)
if !runn.nil?
runn.occupied = true

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