Query Comparing Dates in SQL

Query comparing dates in SQL

Instead of '2013-04-12' whose meaning depends on the local culture, use '20130412' which is recognized as the culture invariant format.

If you want to compare with December 4th, you should write '20131204'. If you want to compare with April 12th, you should write '20130412'.

The article Write International Transact-SQL Statements from SQL Server's documentation explains how to write statements that are culture invariant:

Applications that use other APIs, or Transact-SQL scripts, stored procedures, and triggers, should use the unseparated numeric strings. For example, yyyymmdd as 19980924.


Since you are using ADO, the best option is to parameterize the query and pass the date value as a date parameter. This way you avoid the format issue entirely and gain the performance benefits of parameterized queries as well.


To use the the the ISO 8601 format in a literal, all elements must be specified. To quote from the ISO 8601 section of datetime's documentation

To use the ISO 8601 format, you must specify each element in the format. This also includes the T, the colons (:), and the period (.) that are shown in the format.

... the fraction of second component is optional. The time component is specified in the 24-hour format.

SQL datetime compare

Even though in Europe and everywhere in the world it makes perfect sense to use the month as the second of three items in the date. In the US and in this case, apparently, SQL's date time is MM.DD.YYYY, so you're going for the 15th month and 18th month

Therefore you should use

string query "SELECT * FROM LocalHotels WHERE city='LONDON' AND start <='12.15.2015 00:00:00' AND deadline >='12.18.2015 00:00:00' ORDER BY city"


string query "SELECT * FROM LocalHotels WHERE city='LONDON' AND start <='2015-12-15' AND deadline >='2015-12-18' ORDER BY city"

In SQL how to compare date values?

Nevermind found an answer. Ty the same for anyone who was willing to reply.

WHERE DATEDIFF(mydata,'2008-11-20') >=0;

Comparing dates with current date in Sql server

your DATE data is incorrectly stored within Sql Server. When your application passes the string '2015-09-04' and you save that your date column, it is saved as 4th Sept 2015 and not 9th April 2015. Hence your query returns such rows as they are greater than GETDATE().


DECLARE @D VARCHAR(10) = '2015-09-04'

you need to fix your data and then use a CONVERT with style when saving dates in your table from application, using something like this. CONVERT(DATE, '20150409',112)

DECLARE @D VARCHAR(10) = '20150409'

Refer these threads for more info:

Impossible to store certain datetime formats in SQL Server

Cast and Convert

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