Pure-SQL Technique for Auto-Numbering Rows in Result Set

Pure-SQL Technique for Auto-Numbering Rows in Result Set

To have a meaningful row number you need to order your results. Then you can do something like this:

SELECT id, name
, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM people p2 WHERE name='Spiewak' AND p2.id <= p1.id) AS RowNumber
FROM people p1
WHERE name = 'Spiewak'

Note that the WHERE clause of the sub query needs to match the WHERE clause or the primary key from the main query and the ORDER BY of the main query.

SQL Server has the ROW_NUMBER() OVER construct to simplify this, but I don't know if MySQL has anything special to address it.

Since my post here was accepted as the answer, I want to also call out Dan Goldstein's response, which is very similar in approach but uses a JOIN instead of a sub query and will often perform better

Autonumbering Rows in mysql view in cycles

I DID IT!!!!!!!
I used the function SUM() instead of COUNT().
This is my mysql View Code in case someone else can use it:


IF (
`avi2`.`CaneID` = `avi1`.`CaneID`
AND (`avi2`.`AvoID` <= `avi1`.`AvoID`)
`v_avi_ripetuti` `Avi2`
(`avi2`.`Ripetuto` > 1)
) AS `NumRiga`
`v_avi_ripetuti` `Avi1`
(`avi1`.`Ripetuto` > 1)

and this gives me the desired result of:

 CaneID  Cane         AvoID  Avo                             RowNumber
2 Antigua 472 Anika v. Stammhaus Eike 1
2 Antigua 527 Britta v.d. Römerlinde 2
2 Antigua 642 Ares v. Nettenberg 3
2 Antigua 657 Carmen v. Westfalenzwinger 4
2 Antigua 658 Leu v. Stammhaus Eike 5
2 Antigua 684 Chipsy v. Theresienhof 6
2 Antigua 1662 Astrit v.d. Burrlinde 7
-----------------------> New Main dog<-------------------------------
3 Ambra Gaya 472 Anika v. Stammhaus Eike 1
3 Ambra Gaya 657 Carmen v. Westfalenzwinger 2
3 Ambra Gaya 658 Leu v. Stammhaus Eike 3
3 Ambra Gaya 684 Chipsy v. Theresienhof 4
3 Ambra Gaya 718 Leo v. guten Löwen 5
3 Ambra Gaya 1022 Zara v. Ratibor u. Corvey 6
3 Ambra Gaya 1024 Ruth v. Ratibor u. Corvey 7
3 Ambra Gaya 1050 Dunja v. Hofoldinger Forst 8
3 Ambra Gaya 1200 Icksle v. Ratibor u. Corvey 9
3 Ambra Gaya 1227 Troldegaards Tanja 10
3 Ambra Gaya 1228 Anemone v. Ratibor u. Corvey 11
-----------------------> New Main dog<-------------------------------
3371 Always Habit 600 Absinthe v. Kallenberg 1
3371 Always Habit 750 Mathoaka's Relaxing Boy 2
3371 Always Habit 2560 Leijonamielen Luvaton Lyyli 3

how to store a *sorted* SELECT result in another table?

Maybe you could wrap the select into another select:

SET @counter := 0;

INSERT INTO resultsetdata
SELECT *, @counter := @counter + 1
SELECT "12345", a.ID
FROM sometable a
JOIN bigtable b
WHERE a.foo = b.bar
ORDER BY a.whatever DESC
) AS tmp

... but you are still at the mercy of the dumbness of MySQL's optimizer.

That's all I found about this topic, but I couln't find a hard guarantee:

Pure-SQL Technique for Auto-Numbering Rows in Result Set



MySQL nested tables record numbering

SELECT CASE WHEN @prev = x.parent_id THEN @i:=@i ELSE @i:=@i+1 END parentrank 
, x.parentname
, CASE WHEN @prev = x.parent_id THEN @j:=@j+1 ELSE @j:=1 END childrank
, x.childname
, @prev:=parent_id
FROM ( SELECT p.passportid parent_id
, p.parentname
, c.passportid child_id
, c.childname
FROM parents p
JOIN children c
ON c.parentid = p.passportid
) x
JOIN ( SELECT @prev:=null,@i:=0,@j:=0) vars
BY x.parent_id
, x.child_id;
| parentrank | parentname | childrank | childname | @prev:=parent_id |
| 1 | John | 1 | Gabriel | 12345678 |
| 1 | John | 2 | Angela | 12345678 |
| 1 | John | 3 | Philip | 12345678 |
| 2 | Kate | 1 | Eleanor | 98765432 |
| 2 | Kate | 2 | Betty | 98765432 |
| 3 | Mary | 1 | Peter | 111222333 |
| 3 | Mary | 2 | Lara | 111222333 |
| 3 | Mary | 3 | Michael | 111222333 |
| 3 | Mary | 4 | Robert | 111222333 |
| 3 | Mary | 5 | Amanda | 111222333 |

Show row number column from result set in oracle sql view

in oracle use ROW_NUMBER oracle docs

How to insert multiple rows into MySQL table (with auto increment) and skip duplicates?

It looks like you want to not insert values where the A and C values match an existing table1 row. I would use a temporary table for that, first inserting into the temporary table, then inserting into table1 only the appropriate rows:

create temporary table df (A varchar(1), B int, C varchar(1));
insert into df values ('a',2,'A'),('b',1,'B'),('d',6,'D'),('e',7,'E');
insert into table1 (A,B,C) select df.* from df left join table1 using (A,C) where table1.id is null;

An index on (A,C) in table1 will make this efficient.


How can I SELECT rows with MAX(Column value), PARTITION by another column in MYSQL?

You are so close! All you need to do is select BOTH the home and its max date time, then join back to the topten table on BOTH fields:

FROM topten tt
(SELECT home, MAX(datetime) AS MaxDateTime
FROM topten
GROUP BY home) groupedtt
ON tt.home = groupedtt.home
AND tt.datetime = groupedtt.MaxDateTime

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