Pivot Rows to Columns Without Aggregate

Pivot rows to columns without aggregate

The PIVOT function requires an aggregation to get it to work. It appears that your VAL column is a varchar so you will have to use either the MAX or MIN aggregate functions.

If the number of tests is limited, then you can hard-code the values:

select sbno, Test1, Test2, Test3
select test_name, sbno, val
from yourtable
) d
for test_name in (Test1, Test2, Test3)
) piv;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo.

In your OP, you stated that you will have an larger number of rows to turn into columns. If that is the case, then you can use dynamic SQL:


select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(TEST_NAME)
from yourtable
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')

set @query = 'SELECT sbno,' + @cols + '
select test_name, sbno, val
from yourtable
) x
for test_name in (' + @cols + ')
) p '


See SQL Fiddle with Demo.

Both versions will give the same result:

| SBNO | TEST1 | TEST2 |  TEST3 |
| 1 | 0.304 | 2.3 | PASS |
| 2 | 0.31 | 2.5 | PASS |
| 3 | 0.306 | 2.4 | (null) |

How to pivot multiple columns without aggregation

Use row_number() function and do the conditional aggregation :

select id, IdCust, Ref,
max(case when Seq = 1 then stock end) as [Stock A], -- second table *id*
max(case when Seq = 1 then code end) as [Code 1],
max(case when Seq = 1 then price end) as [Price1],
max(case when Seq = 2 then stock end) as [Stock B], -- second table *id*
max(case when Seq = 2 then code end) as [Code 2],
max(case when Seq = 2 then price end) as [Price2]
from (select f.*, s.Id Stock, s.Code, s.Price,
row_number() over (partition by f.Ref order by s.id) as Seq
from first f
inner join second s on s.Ref = f.Ref
) t
group by id, IdCust, Ref;

However, this would go with known values else you would need go with dynamic solution for that.

Pivot without aggregate function or Row to Columns by group in Oracle

select      city
,min (case type_id when 1 then amount end) as type_1_amount
,min (case type_id when 2 then amount end) as type_2_amount

from (select city,type_id,amount

,row_number () over
partition by city,type_id
order by amount
) as rn

from Table_1

group by city

order by city

| Los Angeles | 35400 | 162000 |
| Moscow | 158000 | 1478000 |
| Moscow | 741200 | (null) |
| New York | 94500 | 5500000 |

TSQL Pivot without aggregate function

You can use the MAX aggregate, it would still work. MAX of one value = that value..

In this case, you could also self join 5 times on customerid, filter by dbColumnName per table reference. It may work out better.

Pivot Rows to Column in SQL without Aggregation

You can use conditional aggregation:

select object_key,
max(case when name = 'OBJECT_NAME' then value end) as object_name,
max(case when name = 'Start Time' then value end) as start_time,
max(case when name = 'End Time' then value end) as end_time,
max(case when name = 'row_count' then value end) as row_count,
max(case when name = 'Execution Time' then value end) as execution_time
from t
group by object_key;

I'm not sure why you specify "no aggregation" in the question.

If you really have an aversion to aggregation use can use joins:

select ton.object_key, ton.value as object_name,
ts.value as start_time, te3.value as end_time,
. .
from t ton on
t ts
on ton.object_key = ts.object_key join
t te
on ton.object_key = t3.ojbect_key. join
. . . ;

How to Pivot Without Aggregation, Is that possible?

If your have multiple value for each row then what you expect without aggregation function?

And if you have a single value per each row, so it's no matter that use sum,min,max or avg aggregation function.

like this(in oracle):

select row_id, 'C1', 'C2', 'C3'
from table
pivot(max("value") for column_id in('C1', 'C2','C3'));

executable version with sample:

select row_id, 'C1', 'C2', 'C3'
from (select 1 table_id, 'C1' Column_id, 1 Row_id, 20000 "value" from dual union all
select 1 table_id, 'C2' Column_id, 1 Row_id, 30000 "value" from dual union all
select 1 table_id, 'C3' Column_id, 1 Row_id, 25000 "value" from dual union all
select 1 table_id, 'C1' Column_id, 2 Row_id, 80200 "value" from dual union all
select 1 table_id, 'C2' Column_id, 2 Row_id, 50000 "value" from dual union all
select 1 table_id, 'C3' Column_id, 2 Row_id, 95000 "value" from dual)
pivot(max("value") for column_id in('C1', 'C2','C3'))

Dynamic TSQL Pivot without aggregate function

Sample data

create table ExternalPersonRelationTable
PersonId int,
SubjectCode int

insert into ExternalPersonRelationTable (PersonId, SubjectCode) values
(4187, 3),
(4187, 278),
(4429, 3),
(4429, 4),
(4463, 99),
(4464, 174),
(4464, 175);


Start with a (limited) static version of the pivot query as a reference.

select piv.SubjectCode as Code,
isnull(convert(bit, piv.[4187]), 0) as [4187],
isnull(convert(bit, piv.[4429]), 0) as [4429],
isnull(convert(bit, piv.[4463]), 0) as [4463],
isnull(convert(bit, piv.[4464]), 0) as [4464]
from ExternalPersonRelationTable epr
pivot (max(epr.PersonId) for epr.PersonId in ([4187],[4429],[4463],[4464])) piv;

Identify the dynamic parts and construct (and validate) those.

-- constuct lists
declare @fieldList nvarchar(1000);
declare @pivotList nvarchar(1000);

with cte as
select epr.PersonId
from ExternalPersonRelationTable epr
group by epr.PersonId
select @fieldList = string_agg('isnull(convert(bit, piv.['
+ convert(nvarchar(10), cte.PersonId)
+ ']), 0) as ['
+ convert(nvarchar(10), cte.PersonId)
+ ']', ', ') within group (order by cte.PersonId),
@pivotList = string_agg('['
+ convert(nvarchar(10), cte.PersonId)
+ ']', ',') within group (order by cte.PersonId)
from cte;

-- validate lists
select @fieldList as FieldList;
select @pivotList as PivotList;

Merge the dynamic parts in the final query (and validate during development phase).

-- construct query
declare @query nvarchar(3000) = 'select piv.SubjectCode as Code, '
+ @fieldList
+ 'from ExternalPersonRelationTable epr '
+ 'pivot (max(epr.PersonId) for epr.PersonId in ('
+ @pivotList
+ ')) piv;';

-- validate query
select @query as Query;

Run the dynamic query.

-- run query
exec sp_executesql @query;


Code  4187   4429   4463   4464
---- ----- ----- ----- -----
3 True True False False
4 False True False False
99 False False True False
174 False False False True
175 False False False True
278 True False False False

Fiddle to see things in action.

How to transpose rows/columns without aggregation?

Pivot doesn't actually require numeric data to work with aggregate functions, e.g.:

create table dbo.SurveyData (
Survey int,
Question int,
Answer varchar(10)
insert dbo.SurveyData (Survey, Question, Answer)
(1, 1, 'Blue'),
(1, 2, 'Puppy'),
(1, 3, 'Strawberry'),
(2, 1, 'Red'),
(2, 2, 'Kitten'),
(2, 3, 'Chocolate');

select pvt.*
from (
select Survey, 'Q'+cast(Question as varchar(10)) as Question, Answer
from dbo.SurveyData
) Source
pivot (max(Answer) for Question in ( [Q1], [Q2], [Q3] )) pvt;

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