Number of Times a Value Appears (Sql)

Count number of times value appears in particular column in MySQL

select email, count(*) as c FROM orders GROUP BY email

SQL COUNT how many times a value appears

All you need to do is apply a where clause and count the results:

FROM borrow
WHERE bTitle = 'Hood'

count number of times a value appears in a column not GROUP BY in SQL

Use a window function . . . but count(*):

select count(*) over (partition by name, city) as countx

count number of times each value appears in a particular column with additional condition

use COUNT(DISTINCT "Group") instead of COUNT(*)

Note that I have demarcated the column name "Group" with double quotes since it is an SQLite keyword. See here for details:

How to count how many times certain values appear in a table in SQL and return that number in a column?

You can use group by:

select   customer_id,
from sales
group by customer_id

This will return a row by customer ID with the count of how many matching items.

SQL query to count how many values appear N times in a column

select count(team) from 
(select team, COUNT(team) as countTeam from t group by team)
where countTeam = 2

Replace 2 by the number you want.


How can I get a count of how many times a distinct value appears in a column?

You are looking for GROUP BY:

select col1, count(*)
from table1
group by col1;

COUNT how many times a value appears in my interventions and divide it by the number of total interventions

Hmmm . . . You can do this just as the ratio of two subqueries. But, because you don't mention the database, I'll do the calculations in the FROM clause

select nias.cnt * 100.0 / gni.cnt
from (select count(*) as cnt
from dbo.gi3_note_intervention_appr_site nias
where nias.gi3_c_sous_sujt_note = 'Etud tech Renseig add'
) nias cross join
(select count(*) as cnt
from dbo.gi3_intervention.gi3_n_intrvt gni
where gni.GI3_C_TYPE_INTRVT = '08' and
gni.GI3_D_CLOT_INTRVT >= Convert(datetime, '2021-05-01')
) gni;

COUNT how many times a value appears and divide it by the number of total data

This answers the original version of the question.

You can use conditional aggregation. An elegant way (in my opinion) uses AVG():

SELECT AVG(CASE WHEN nias.gi3_c_sous_sujt_note = 'Etud tech Renseig add' THEN 100.0 ELSE 0 END) as percentage_etud
FROM dbo.gi3_note_intervention_appr_site nias

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