MySQL "Between" Clause Not Inclusive

MySQL between clause not inclusive?

The field dob probably has a time component.

To truncate it out:

select * from person 
where CAST(dob AS DATE) between '2011-01-01' and '2011-01-31'

SQL between not inclusive

It is inclusive. You are comparing datetimes to dates. The second date is interpreted as midnight when the day starts.

One way to fix this is:

FROM Cases
WHERE cast(created_at as date) BETWEEN '2013-05-01' AND '2013-05-01'

Another way to fix it is with explicit binary comparisons

FROM Cases
WHERE created_at >= '2013-05-01' AND created_at < '2013-05-02'

Aaron Bertrand has a long blog entry on dates (here), where he discusses this and other date issues.

Noninclusive BETWEEN in SQL

BETWEEN..AND.. is basically syntactic sugar for combination of >= AND <= operators, with same performance.

If expr is greater than or equal to min and expr is less than or equal
to max, BETWEEN returns 1, otherwise it returns 0. This is equivalent
to the expression (min <= expr AND expr <= max)

For non-inclusive range checking, you can use > AND < operators:

SELECT * FROM schedule 
WHERE x > startTime AND
x < endTime

Between in mysql where clause not working

I got the answer.

SELECT * FROM `time_track` where DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(track_date, '%c/%d/%Y'), '%Y-%m-%d') between '2015-01-01' and '2015-01-21'

Microsoft SQL between statement for characters is not inclusive?

It is inclusive.

You don't get the results you want because any string beginning with 'd' and longer than 1 character is greater than 'd'. For example 'da' > 'd'.
So, your query would return all values starting with 'a', 'b', 'c', and a value 'd'.

To get the results you want use

select * from tblprofile where firstname >= 'a' and firstname < 'e'

MySQL IF statement with BETWEEN operator, not showing as valid

As i said in the comment you need a column

UPDATE mytablename SET column_2 = IF(column_1 BETWEEN '1' AND '2', {new_value}, field_1) WHERE id=1;

{new_vaue} is only a place holder which you must fill with a value or cloumn see below

UPDATE mytablename SET column_2 = IF(column_1 BETWEEN '1' AND '2', 5, field_1) WHERE id=1;

UPDATE mytablename SET column_2 = IF(column_1 BETWEEN '1' AND '2', coumn3, field_1) WHERE id=1;


CREATE TABLE mytablename(id int,column_2 int, field_1 int);
INSERT INTO mytablename VALUES (1,0,1)
UPDATE mytablename SET column_2 = IF(field_1 BETWEEN 1 AND 2, 12, field_1) WHERE id = 1
SELECT * FROM mytablename

id | column_2 | field_1
-: | -------: | ------:
1 | 12 | 1

db<>fiddle here

In between doesn't work with multiple AND's - MYSQL

I don't have your data, but I feel like everything is working properly and your last query is trying to do this:

SELECT price from items
Where (categoryId = 11724
AND brand = 'Akaso') OR (brand = 'Andoer'
and price BETWEEN 10 AND 20)

mysql BETWEEN is exclusive on right for characters?


Don't use BETWEEN for strings

where drink_name >= 'G' and drink_name < 'P';


The O is effectivly expanded with trailing spaces to match the column. So

'O                  '

is before

'Oh My Gosh'

So you'd need

where drink_name BETWEEN 'G' and 'OZ';

If you have a drink called Ozymandias then this won't work. So:


But, can we can safely assume that there is no drink called P and many spaces?

This is not understandable.

select drink_name from easy_drinks
where drink_name BETWEEN 'G' and 'P';

The obvious choice might be to compare only first letters using LEFT

select drink_name from easy_drinks
where LEFT(drink_name, 1) BETWEEN 'G' and 'O';

But this will prevent used of any index on drink_name.

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